Chapter 32

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It's early morning. I'm not sure of the time. I only know it's morning because the sun is up.

Miley is on the TV, swinging on a wrecking ball and singing her little broken heart out.

I feel your pain, Miley. I really do.

Woman are assholes.

Maybe I should get a wrecking ball to swing around on. It might make me feel better.

As you can probably guess, I haven't slept all night. My eyes are swollen and puffy, and I'm mentally drained. I've alternated between bouts of crying and then feeling angry and confused to eating my body weight in chocolate to make myself feel better. I'm an eater when I'm sad.

And I'm definitely sad right now, and this song is not doing anything to help my mood.

But I don't turn it off. Clearly, I'm in the mood to torture myself.

I look over at the box of chocolates.


I sigh.

I clamber off the bed and go over to the mini bar. There are bars of chocolate in it. But the prices are astronomical, and I can't afford to waste my money on overpriced chocolate, no matter how much I might want it.

"Looks like another trip to the store," I say to Gucci.

She's asleep on the bed. I'm pretty sure she didn't even hear me.

I put my hair up into a messy bun. I pull on my hoodie and push my feet into my flip-flops.

Then, I look down at myself.

I'm wearing my Little Mermaid pajamas.

I consider this for a moment.

Screw it. I'm going out in them. It's not like I'm out to impress anyone right now. And, honestly, I don't give a crap what people will think.

I can just be the crazy lady in her pajamas.

I'm just about to get my wallet and room key when someone knocks on the hotel door.


Don't be stupid Lauren. She doesn't know where you are right now. And she hates you.

I go over to the door and open it without checking the peephole to see who it is, and I find Normani standing there.

"Nice pajamas."

I open my mouth to speak, and I burst into tears.

"Oh, hell."

She wraps her arms around me, hugging me tight, and I sob into her shoulder.

"It's going to be okay." She soothes me, rubbing my back with her hand.

"I'm sorry." I sniffle. Pulling away, I wipe my face with the sleeve of my hoodie.

"Don't be." She closes the door behind herself and drops her bag to the floor. She takes her jacket off and tosses it on top of her bag.

"I know, but you've just gotten here. You don't need me bawling on your shoulder."

"Bawl away." She lifts her shoulder in offering, forcing a smile from me. "That's why I'm here. So, you can cry, scream, and do whatever you need to, to make yourself feel better."

"Thanks," I say, sitting down on the edge of the bed.

Gucci gets up, wanders over to me, and climbs in my lap.

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