Part 1

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Phil hoisted up his backpack, checking out himself in the mirror before he left. Second year of university isn't ready for me, he thought. He had gotten a new pastel blue shirt to mark the occasion, and he was more than excited to see what new adventures this year brought him. Last year brought him the love of his life, Harry, who he had been dating for almost a full year now.

Phil took his phone from the nightstand, slipping it in his pocket and pushing his hair into the quiff. He had already eaten breakfast, but Harry wanted to meet up at the university coffee spot to get some coffee before they headed to the first class of the day. Even though they loved each other, they knew it would still be best to have separate dorms just in case. Phil walked into the coffee shop, spotting his boyfriend in the corner with two coffee cups.

He's literally the best boyfriend in the entire world, Phil thought to himself. He sat down across from Harry, admiring his beautiful boyfriend. He had curly blonde hair and freckles dotting his cheeks and nose. He had big, round ocean blue eyes that Phil often got lost in, which always ended up in Harry having to say his name repeatedly to bring him back to reality. He was wearing a white t-shirt and black overalls, and he looked damn sexy in it. 

"Whatcha thinking?" Harry giggled, pushing Phil the coffee he had ordered for him.

Phil laughed softly, gratefully taking the coffee. "Just about how sexy and cute you are," he answered honestly, taking a small sip of the drink. Harry knew Phil's coffee order down to the amount of sugar he liked, and that always made Phil's heart swoon even more.

"Thanks, babe. You look really good today too," Harry said, grabbing Phil's hand and holding it. Phil smiled widely at his boyfriend, rubbing his thumb over Harry's knuckles. This was how Phil imagined the rest of his life going, spending his mornings with his two loves: Harry and coffee. 

They spent another fifteen minutes talking about their excitement for the upcoming school year before deciding it was time to head to class. They sadly didn't share too many classes this semester because they didn't have the same major, but Phil didn't want to break their tradition of walking to class together. Harry's first class was closer to the coffee shop than Phil's was, so they walked there first, hand in hand. It was a really beautiful day, the temperature perfect and a slight breeze in the air. Harry suggested that they eat lunch outside, and Phil happily agreed, planting a soft kiss on his boyfriend's cheek. 

"Have a great first class, and I'll see you at lunch under our usual tree," Phil mumbled and leaned down to kiss Harry.

He giggled into Phil's mouth, kissing him back and pulling away. "Sounds wonderful, babe. Have a great first class as well."

Phil waved him off as Harry went inside the building before turning around and heading to his first class. His boyfriend always put him in the best mood, and Phil found himself practically skipping as he crossed the campus. He said hi to a few people he remembered from last year once he was inside, filling up his water bottle. As he turned around so he could put the lid on, he bumped into someone, spilling quite a bit of water on them. 

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry," Phil quickly apologized, looking at the guy he bumped into. He had curly brown hair and was the same height as Phil, which was saying something considering how tall he was. He had on a black jumper that gave him sweater paws and black ripped jeans even though it was still on the warmer side.

"It's okay," the guy mumbled and looked Phil in the eyes. He had incredibly deep chocolate eyes with little flecks of amber. 

Phil laughed nervously, putting the lid on his water bottle. "I'm Phil, by the way, and I'm so sorry again for spilling water on you," he said, extending his hand for the guy to shake.

"Dan," the guy said nonchalantly, taking my hand and giving it a small shake.

"I'm around campus a lot, so feel free to spill water on my for payback anytime." Phil smiled at Dan, laughing softly.

Dan gave Phil a forced half-smile. "I have to get to class now," he said and quickly left, leaving Phil a little confused. That was quite odd.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2019 ⏰

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