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"Hey, Yukio." Y/n smiled at her best friend, walking home beside him.

"Hello, Y/n," he replied, returning her smile.

"Are we still on for tonight? I'm excited to meet your dad," she asked. Her and the freckled boy were planning to study together that night, in preparation for their history test the next day.

"Yeah, but my brother will be there, too. I love him, and all, but he always interrupts my studying," Yukio sighed, pushing his glasses further up his nose.

"I'm sure he's not that bad. Anyway, what I'm confused about is; how have I never met any of your family members, but you've met all of mine?"

"Well, Rin's always out, probably fighting, and my whenever I invite you over my dad assumes we're doing "things" and steers clear." He chuckled.

"I mean, we might be doing "things"." She wiggled her eyebrows, playfully nudging him.

"Yeah, sure," he joked.

She reached the street she lived on, and hurriedly crossed the road. "I'll see you at six, Yukio!"

"See you then."

Y/n entered her home, a goofy grin on her face. Her mother gave her a quick hug, offering her some fruit, and she ran upstairs to her room.

The time was 3:57, and Y/n had to leave at 5:40 to get to Yukio's house on time, so she sprawled on her bed, scrolling through social media. After roughly 45 minutes, she decided to change out of her smart school uniform and into something more comfortable. Pulling her fairly new black hoodie over her head, and her old blue jeans up to her waist, she reminded her mother of her plans, before settling on the couch in the living room.

She searched her Netflix list for something entertaining to watch, finally deciding two episodes of How I Met Your Mother was adequate. When the second episode was over, she slid her feet into her shoes and checked the time. It was 5:45, so she would be slightly late, but she hoped Yukio wouldn't mind too much.

Saying goodbye to her parents, she exited her home, glad it was summer. The sun was still in the sky, and there was a warm breeze flowing through her hair. She began to think her hoodie was unnecessary, but she wasn't extremely hot, and she wasn't about to carry it the rest of the journey.

Before she knew it, she was in front of Yukio's house. She'd forgotten to text him when she'd left home, and wasn't concerned when he opened the door in confusion.

"Y/n, I thought you'd forgotten we were studying tonight." He ushered her inside, leading her into his kitchen.

"Sorry, I lost track of time and was in a bit of a rush," she apologised. "And I kinda ran here so I couldn't tex- hello!"

She noticed the man sat at the table. He was old, yet had the aura and smile of a young man, and his rounded glasses were perched rather high up his nose. He had patchy grey stubble around the lower half of his face, and grey hair to match.

"Ah, you must be Y/n. I'm Shiro Fujimoto, Yukio's father." He held his hand out for her to shake, rising from his seat. She shook it, hesitantly, a nervous smile never leaving her face. "I've heard a lot about you."

"Oh, same to you," Y/n replied, glancing at her friend. He had a pink tint on his cheeks.

Shiro laughed heartily, releasing her soft hands from his grip. "You've got a good girl here, son."

"I promise I will repeat this to you until you get it: we're not in a romantic relationship, we're just friends," Yukio snapped, glaring at his old man. Y/n agreed, nodding her head furiously.

"Sure, well, if that changes, be sure to tell me."

"It won't," Yukio stated, grabbing Y/n's wrist and pulling her to his bedroom. She could hear Shiro's laughter behind her, blushing lightly herself.

When the pair of friends entered the room, the first thing they noticed was the blue haired boy lounging on one of the beds. He was in jeans and a loose t-shirt, his hands behind his head. His hair drooped in front of his eyes and he stared at the two people in front of him. One he recognised as his brother, and the other was a rather beautiful girl he'd never seen before.

"Rin, this is Y/n. Y/n, this is Rin, my brother."

Rin smiled at the girl, pushing of the bed.

"Hey, Y/n. I don't think I've seen you before, what are you doing here? In my room? With my brother?" he questioned, looking between her and his sibling.

"Sorry to intrude. I'm just here to study with Yukio," she blushed, trying to avoid his gaze. She could definitely admit it to herself: he was attractive, and she almost couldn't handle his proximity.

"Okay, I think I'll join you."

"Definitely not," Yukio interrupted, "We're actually going to study tonight, and you always distract me. Please, go stay with dad."

"Fine, I'll see you later, Y/n."

Rin left, leaving his brother and a girl alone in their bedroom. He was envious, they could've been doing all sorts together, and he'd barely even spoken to a girl before. Especially a girl that gorgeous.

Y/n sat beside Yukio at his desk, pulling Rin's chair over, and opened her textbook.

"Let's get started." She cracked her knuckles.


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