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Y/n sat on the bed in her new dorm room, excited to be at True Cross Academy. Yukio had come, too, but he would most likely be too busy working to spend much time with her. She'd specifically asked for her own room, which left her in the mostly deserted old dorms. There were apparently two other people staying in the building, but she hadn't run into them yet, and she doubted she would anytime soon.

She finished unpacking, in a concerning amount of time, and decided to explore the campus a bit. She opened her door and started down the hallway, halting when she reached the stairs.

"Rin? What are you doing here?"

The older Okumura brother turned, startled to see Y/n standing in front of him.

"Y/n! You're coming here too?"

"Yeah, I- What? You're going to this school?"

"Yeah, mostly for the cram school."

"Me too."

After that awkward experience towards the end of junior high, things had been tense between the two teenagers, and they had only expressed a few words when the younger twin was around. But being in the new environment, not knowing many others, they were suddenly in the same boat, and very willing to become friends again.

"Do you wanna look around?" Rin asked, gazing into her eyes.

"Sure, I was about to anyway, and it'd be great to have a familiar face with me."


Y/n walked out of the cram school classroom with the rest of the exorcists-in-training, save for the Okumura brothers. The lesson had gone awry and Mr Okumura (she felt weird calling Yukio that) had sent them all outside.

She stood awkwardly behind a tall boy with brown hair that had patch dyed blonde. Beside him was a short boy with a shaven head and a boy with pink hair and brown eyes. There were only two other girls in the class, but one looked rather intimidating, so she stayed away.

When the classroom went quiet, Y/n asked if they were alright in there.

"We are, but the classroom isn't," Yukio called.

The door opened, and Y/n squeezed past the teens in front of her and hugged Yukio. "I'm glad you're okay," she whispered.

He half heartedly hugged her back, embarrassed this was happening in front his new students. She released him, running over to Rin.

She hugged him too, much longer than she did to Yukio. Memories of the night they met rushed into his mind and he tapped her back, lightly.

"Y/n, I'm okay, y-you can let go."

"Fine." She pulled back halfway and kissed his cheek, before walking to their new classroom.

Rin sat beside her this time, just appreciating her presence a way he hadn't before.

Y/n picked up her bag, slinging it over her shoulder. She was heading to the door, when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned, looking at the owner of the hand.

"Hi, Rin. What do you want?" She smiled at him.

"Um, lets walk back together." He removed his hand from her shoulder.

"Okay, come on." She grabbed his hand, leading him outside.

"Y/n, it's kinda weird having Yukio as a teacher, isn't it?"

"Yeah, but I already knew he was gonna be teaching us."

"What? He didn't tell me!"

Y/n laughed. "I bet he didn't tell you about him being an exorcist, either."

"No! Did he tell you?"

"Yes, last year."

"I guess I've just been pretty oblivious these past few years."

"Oh well. But don't worry, I won't keep things from you." Y/n looked into his eyes, biting her lip.

"I won't keep things from you, either."

Rin pushed open the door to their building, still gripping Y/n's hand. They climbed up the stairs, in silence, Rin holding the hallway door for her.

"Y/n, do you wanna, maybe, go on a date with me sometime?"

"Yes!" Y/n answered enthusiastically, before clearing her throat. "I mean, yes, I'd like that."

"Great, um..." Rin trailed off, thinking. "Come to my room around 6 on Saturday, we'll do something chill. Mostly because I don't have any money at the moment."

"That's the best kind of...well - anything, really! I can't wait! Bye, Rin!" She walked into her room , smiling to herself.

Rin entered his own room, grinning.

"What's got you so happy?" Yukio questioned, swivelling in his chair.

"I've got a date with Y/n." Rin lay in his bed, slipping his hands behind his head.

"What? No, you can't date Y/n."

"Why not?" Rin glared at his brother.

"Because she's Y/n, and she's my friend. You can't date my friends."

Rin scoffed, "I like her and it doesn't matter to me that she's your friend."

"I'm not arguing with you on this, do what you want. But don't hurt her."

"I definitely won't."


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