Chapter 4: Healing and Bonding

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AN: Welcome back my faithful readers. I hope you're enjoying the story. Slight warning here: There is going to be some...dark stuff in this particular chapter. I promise it won't be too heavy, but you'll know it when you see it. Or, read it.

After training, the paladins flew back to the castle in their lions, having gotten a solid enough grasp on their powers, though they were going to continue training and developing them for the future, and were now on their way to the Blade of Marmora base, hopefully to find allies in the war.

Lance was currently standing in the medical bay, in front of the healing pods that was holding Ulaz. After meeting the Galra who freed Shiro and claimed to be part of Galran rebel group, the alien had seemly sacrificed his life to save them from a robeast, only for Lance to spot the guy floating unconscious in space. He quickly scooped Ulaz up in his lion, and brought him to the castle. The Paladins quickly put the galran man into a healing pod, and he has been in there ever since. Much to Allura's displeasure and downright protest.

"*Sigh*" Lance let out a sigh and looked at his hand. "I wonder...Is it possible for me to heal with my powers as well as fight?" He questioned mentally. He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the door to the medical bay open. He turned to see Keith step in and freeze when he noticed Lance. He seemed to be hiding his right arm behind his back, and looked stunned.

"L-Lance. What are you doing in here?" He asked, with a nervous look.

"I should be asking you the same thing?" The Blue Paladin retorted.

"I was, just leaving." Keith answered as he turned and began walking away.

"Keith, what are you hiding?" He asked as he approached referring to the arm that Keith was clearly hiding from his sight. He quickly grabbed Keith, and turned him around, snatching his arm and pulling it into view. Lance's eyes widen. The Red Paladin's forearm had a burn streak that looked recent. He looked at Keith who was avoiding his gaze. "What happened?" He asked in a demanding tone.

"I-I was training on the deck, and one of the bots managed to slice my arm. I ended the sequence and use my fire to cauterize my wound to stop the blood." Keith explained. Lance sighed.

"Here." The Blue Paladin said and conjured up water, covering his hand and pressed it on Keith's burn. "This will help with the burning." He said as he gently soothed the wound. Keith hissed, but soon relaxed. Though he wouldn't admit it, this was actually helping the pain a little. Lance continued to soothing the burn, when the water began to glow an ethereal blue, and Keith felt a strange, yet comforting sensation wash over his arm.

"Wha-?" The Red Paladin pulled away from the Blue, and looked at his arm as the water dripped away to reveal his cut completely healed. "What the-?! Dude, did you just heal me?" Keith asked and looked at Lance who was just as shocked as he was. The tanned boy looked down at his hands with wide eyes.

"I-I can't believe it..." He breathed out, almost rendered speechless by what had just happened.

Meanwhile, the rest of the Paladins and the two Alteans were on the Castle Bridge. Pidge was in her chair busy on her laptop, with both Hunk next to her and Rover hovering above her, while Shiro, Allura and Coran were engaged in their own conversation for their plans for when they arrived at the Blade of Marmora base. When Lance and Keith suddenly burst into the room.

"Guys!" They both shouted while panting, catching the others' attention and they turned to the two Paladins at the door.

"Wha-? Lance? Keith? What's going on? Did something happen?" Shiro asked as he approached the out of breath teens. They both started rambling and Shiro couldn't understand what they were saying. "Okay, Okay," he said trying to calm the two down. He then looked at Lance and gave him the okay to speak.

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