Chapter 26: Fallen Prince

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"What's wrong with him?" Lance asked as Coran was looking over Lotor. While they were talking, the purple prince suddenly collapsed. When they checked him, they found he was burning, pale, flushed and panting hard with bullets of sweat running down his forehead.

"I'm not sure. He seems to be extremely warm, especially for a Galra." The altean advisor replied.

"Shouldn't we like, put him in a cryo-pod?" Hunk asks nervously.

"The pods were designed specifically for psychical injuries. Even if we could, I don't think they could cure this. We don't know what it is." Allura replied. Lance looks over the panting alien, he was clearly in pain. From what he felt, it looked like he was running a fever. In space. Space fever? That's when a light bulb lit up.

"Wait, I got an idea." He spoke. "Bring him to my room!" He says and rushes out of the med bay and down the hall. The others look in confusion, but at this point, they didn't have room to question. Shiro and Kuro pick up the prince, wrapping his arms around their shoulders and they all head to Lance's room.

They walk down the hall, making sure to be careful with the sick prince. They arrive at the room, Keith opens the door and the two look-a-likes carry the Prince in. The room was empty, but the door to the attached bathroom was open and there was a light coming from the room. The others all go in to see Lance over the bathtub, which was full of... Wait a minute...

"Lance? Is that snow?" Shiro asked, catching the Blue Paladin's attention.

"Oh, good." He said and walks over to them. "I need your help to get his armor off." He said and the others look at him shocked, Lance quickly notices. "Not all of it. We can leave the undersuit on, but we need to get the armor plates off. They'll be uncomfortable and restrictive for his breathing." He explained.

The two look-a-likes gently set down the prince, then help Lance in removing his armor, leaving him in only his undersuit. The three then place the Prince in the snow-filled bathtub, Lance making sure to put a towel under Lotor's neck on the tub's side. The Galra shivered slightly, while Lance pilled snow over him.

"We need to lower his temperature. I'm not sure how Galra are effected by fevers, but I don't think we want to take that chance." He says as he feels Lotor's still warm forehead.

"What is a, fee-veer?" Coran asked confused.

"It's when the body temperature is raised, often dangerously, when a person is sick." Pidge answers him. Lance goes over to the sink and gathers some water, forming it into a ball in his hand, and goes back over to Lotor. The water starts to glow bright crystal blue, and Lance gently rubs the water on his forehead, which seems to sooth the Galra Prince slightly.

"Lance, do you know what's wrong with him?" Allura asks. Lance shakes his head.

"Not entirely, but he does have a high fever. So I guess, space fever? Maybe." He said/asks. "Can someone go get Narti? Maybe, she knows what's wrong." He requests. The others look reluctant, but understand he might have a point. Coran heads out to get the general.

"Why are we even concerning ourselves with him? He's the Prince of the Galra, this could be a trap. And we shouldn't let that general loose." Keith says.

"I understand Keith, but if this was a trap, he would've attacked once we opened the cell door. Besides he's clearly having trouble breathing, and I doubt his high temperature is normal for a Galra." Lance reasoned. "Regarding Narti, she is also Galra and she knows him, so she might know what disease he might have." He adds.

The others left, with Keith standing guard in front of Lance's room, while Coran escorts Narti to the Blue Paladin. Lance had been tasked with guarding Narti at times, and the two had gotten to know one another okay, with Lance teaching her some sign-language and palm reading, and she had been getting good.

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