Chapter 16

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SO SORRY I HAVEN'T UPLOADED. I want to thank Wattpad for updating the app. Now I can write on my iPod. From the app. Instead of safari. Or my comp.

Very short chapter. I've been lazy.

Comment or vote or fan. W.e. mostly comment.


It's been a week since I spoke to Cole or Devin. Since mom told me the news. Since my whole world fell down on me. I didn't have the guys to call Nick. And today, I felt like I needed to.

I stared at my phone and anxiously tapped my foot repeatedly.

I couldn't do it.

Come on you little wimp.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

What if he doesn't want to come?

I closed my eyes and sat on the couch. I couldn't take it. I had to call him. I stared at my phone. But. I'm afraid.. What will he do? How will he react? Happy? Sad? Mad?

I was anxious. I picked up my phone from the coffee table. I called his number and waited for his voice.


God. Am I making another mistake?


I should hang up. How will he react?


Hang up Scarlet. Hang up.


Come on. Just press the end button and put the phone down.


Five rings. He's busy. Leave him alone Scar.


"Hello?" A voice that wasn't his picked up.

I opened my mouth and closed it. Ask for him. Come on. Do it. I opened my mouth once more and moved my lips. No sound being made. No words coming out.

"Hello?" The voice repeated, a bit irritated.

Scarlet... Say something.....

I swallowed the ball the was beginning to form in my throat.

"H-hello?" I spoke, stuttering a bit.

"Who's this?" The voice questioned.

"S-Scarlet..." I whispered.

I heard a scoff. "Oh. Scarlet. Nick is sleeping right now. What do you want?"

Her attitude made me realize who it is. "Wake him up. I have news for him," I snapped, blinking my eyes three times per second.

I heard a sigh and shuffling noises. Even though Nick hated Seth, he hated dad. Because dad made me miserable. Nick watched me cry myself to sleep every night for 11 months. He saw me being blamed for thing that weren't my fault at school. And he knew that dad made this happen. That dad brought me this misery.

"Hello?" Nicks sleepy voice whispered.

I gulped. "Nick...." I began. "He's out......" I whispered, feeling a bit angry at my self.

The line went silent. I heard a heavy sigh. "I'm coming over," was all he said, then he hung up.

I sighed. This was a bad idea. Funny, how hen things go bad for me. They get worst. Someone doesn't like me.

I placed the phone on the coffee table and rested my back on the couch. I closed my eyes and sighed a deep sigh. A knock on the door made me snap open my eyes. Nick's here already? Damn. I walked towards the door and opened it. My eyes widen. No. Not now.

Not today.

"Hey Scar..." He smiled. A small one.

Someone really doesn't like me.

I awkwardly twisted the door knob. "Hi..." I breathed.

He stared at me. "Can we solve what happened out? If you don't want to see me afterwards. I'll leave you be. I just want to get this... This tension over with. I miss you. I really do. And I'll do anything to change your mind. But I won't because I want to know how you really feel. And I meant what I texted you last week. I really did. I do love you Scarlet. And it's killing me. The fact that I can't hold you. Kiss you. Comfort you. It bothers me" Devin spoke staring at me with so much sincerity in his eyes.

I felt my heart melt. God... "Devin. Can we talk about this some other time... Please." I begged, closing my eyes.

I heard him sigh. "Just tell me. Do you love me? Do you want me to step away from you and try to forget what we had?"

I stared at him. Do I? Do I really want to let him go? Loose him more than I already had? Do I want him and myself to forget what we had?

But. Do I love him? Do I want to risk my heart getting hurt over a guy I'm not sure I love? Do I want to jump in his arms and cry? Have him comfort me?

I watched him. I could tell my silence was torturing him. It was torturing me also.

"I-I don't know..." I whispered. "I don't really know what I want now....." I looked down at the floor. "I'm.... Confused..."

I felt something wet dance down my cheek. I didn't look up to meet Devins beautiful brown eyes. I couldn't. I felt myself being wrapped into a warm embrace. I few tears prickled down. But I didn't sob. Or make any sound.

Do I love Devin? Come on heart! Give me an answer....

As if my heart grew ears and suddenly heard me. My heart beats accelerated. The party that always came when I was around Devin before, came back. And I felt my knees go weak. My lips begging for his.

'Yes' a small voice in my head whispered.

I pulled away and dried the tears. I love Devin. "I d------"

"Scarlet...." My brother interrupted me. I looked behind Devin and saw him standing there. Looking upset.

Devin moved aside and my brother walked up to me and hugged me. I hugged him back. My heart 'bum-buming' a bit slower. I was upset and a bit happy. Upset because right when I wanted to tell Dev I love him, I got interrupted. But happy because I didn't think I'd have the guts to do it.

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