Tears fall

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Abby never fit in with anyone at school. She ate lunch by herself, went to recess by herself, and everything else. She wasn't completely alone she thought at nights when she couldn't sleep. She told herself that they care enough to bully her.

Abby got beaten, verbally abused, siber bullied and a few other forms of bullying. Abby didn't find ABNation until she was 12. She had been talking to a girl she knew in Texas and the girl told her about an app called Younow. Abby got a Younow account and was strolling through the rolls of live people and came across a name that caught her attention. It simply read ABNationTriston. Abby wanted to know what ABNation was, so she clicked on the chat and said hi to Tristan.

She soon found out that ABNation stood for ainty bullying nation. She watched every chat that Tristan sent from that moment on. Abby followed him on Instagram and looked ABNation up online. Abby joined ABNation quickly.


One sunny Saterday Abby got up early. She changed into some black jean shorts that went about halfway down her thighs and a dark blue tank top with white designs across the front. She then headed out of the house after grabbing her iPod. She played perfect weapon by bvb on the way to the park.

While Abby was walking to the park she suddenly feels a hand grab her arm and before she knew it she was on the ground being kicked by like seven girls. "Oh, look fatty Abby's out pretty early for a Saterday." Says Alliah. Alliah then punched Abby right in the nose and the girls all ran off.

Abby sat up and hugged her nees crying and hardly breathing. Blood gushed from her nose and onto her nees. She didn't pay attention to her bloody nose as she cried into her nees. The tears started mixing with blood and the mixture dripped down her legs.

"Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Why meeeeee! What did I do to deserve this!!!" Abby screamed so loudly her voice cracked on deserve. Abby kept sobbing into her nees.

A few minutes past and the blood started to dry on her legs and shirt. Wait, blood shouldn't have gotten on her shirt. Abby looked down and felt a pain shoot through her side. A day old cut had been reopened.

Abby ran back home and into her bathroom. She put her iPod on the bathroom counter just as it buzzed and she saw Tristans broadcast pop up. Abby clicked it and listens to him talk while cleaning her legs and nose. When Abby was done cleaning up that blood she slipped off her shirt and looked in the mirror. "Damn, I really am fat as fuck." Abby said dully as she looked at her stomach.

Abby's eyes fell upon all of the scars and cuts across her stomach. Abby grabbed her blade just as she heard Tristan say "Your all beautiful to me." Abby laughed and sat with her back against the bathroom door, holding the blade. Abby dragged the blade across her arm and didn't so much as whimper. Once she had carved the letter F in her arm she carved A, then T, then the under that she put the word LIFE.

She washed the blood from the blade, went and got a long sleeve shirt, and got in the shower to east away blood and tear traces. When she was redressed she picked up iPod to see Tristan still there and what he said next, she could have sworn was directed right at her. "Cuts don't ruin a person. Cuts don't help a person. Scars show what you've been through. Scars don't go away."

Abby just let the tears fall. She ran to her room and crawled under her sheets. Abby turned off her iPod and fell asleep.

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