Chapter Four

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Artemis's Pov
"What do I even say." The stammer that left me couldn't have came out in a deeper squeak then it already did.

I had spent maybe an hour with Tony Stark and slowly grew comfortable with him. He was so funny and sarcastic and I didn't think I was gonna be able to laugh, and smile with him. That is until he informed that the six others arrived on the compound and it just made me more nervous.

I was gripping onto his arm tightly following him. I was debating with Tony about if I said stupid stuff.

"Artemis relax alright, technically you'll be meeting five us Bucky, Steve, Clint, Bruce, Natasha, Thor is up in space with other avengers right now, he'll be back in a few weeks," Tony explained to me.

We had came close to a room and I could hear loud talking.

"Wait, Tony," I whispered slowly growing scared gripping his arm tighter making him step back a bit looking at him, feeling myself start to shake a bit.

"What if they don't like me," I mumbled. I saw his eyes shift to concern soft ones as he lifted my chin up.

"Oh sweetie, they are gonna love you, I already do alright believe me alright. Bucky and Steve are gonna have a joy ride with cracking you out your shy shell, I know I enjoyed breaking Steve out of his." Tony joked making me release a small giggle.

"Tell you what, if you are that scared, you can hold my hand yeah? And it's not a baby thing at all see." He chuckled softly and slipped his hands with mine.

"See look at that, totally a match made in heaven, right." I let a louder giggle out, the anxiety slowly slipping away. Tony had this goofy smile across his lips, as he carefully tucked away strands of my hair.

"It's gonna be perfectly okay yeah, I think with you in our lives now, things will all get better." He told me. His words sent straight butterflies right to my stomach.

Now that he had taken his jacket off. I could see my soul mate clear it was a paintbrush and after touching it today. It looked completed and beautiful.

He opened the door and carefully pulled me inside the room, where it slowly got quiet, but he kept his promise and he kept our hands laced pulling me to the front of the meeting room.

"Alright everyone this here beauty is Artemis Murrain, and she happens to be our soulmate," Tony exclaimed loudly. I grew flustered looking down a bit feeling all eyes on me.

"Tony, are you lying? Cause that's not funny." A gruff voice called out. I shifted my eyes back up to see the look of surprise across everyone face.

"For the first time, I am not lying, um Steve come up here, I don't think it's smart having everyone touching their marks at first." Tony gestures the blonde hair blue eyes, very attractive man up who rolled his eyes slightly but had a smile on his face as he got up from one chair.

"Don't worry, he just looks scary, he is one softy," Tony reassured me when he noticed my shift in behavior.

"I sure hope so," I muttered I watched as Steve gave me a soft kind smile.  "It's nice to meet you Artemis I'm Steve Rogers, that's Bucky Barnes, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff, and Bruce Banner." He told me softly pointing at everyone.

I waved my free hand giving them a smile which most of them couldn't help but give me back the hulk looked so cool combined I thought.

I looked at Tony who looked reluctant to let my hand go but did. I slowly slipped off my leather jacket, setting it on the closest chair hearing small gasps when they saw my entire arm from the tank top.

"Alright, so you weren't lying." Clint stammered out his eyes very wide. Even Bucky looked to be in shock.

"They are beautiful." Natasha stammered out making me even shyer.  "I said the exact same thing, go on Cap touch hands, watch what happens," Tony explained.

Steve looked from Tony to me, before giving me another smile and slowly held my smaller hand in his.

I carefully laced our hands feeling a slight jolt in my hand quickly hiding the wince watching as the red, white and blue shield logo slowly lit up on my arm.

Tony was grinning wide watching while everyone even Steve watched in amazement. I slowly let our hands fall, gliding my fingers to touch the shield smiling when the blue faded and left just a small throbbing from the flames that cast across.

"My turn!" Quickly I watched as Clint and Bucky scrambled up from their seats making me giggle softly looking to Tony who gently facepalmed and Natasha was pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Tony said one at a time," Bruce called amused shaking his giant green head a bit.  "Clint you first," Tony called making Bucky groan a light pout across his face.

Steve kept smiling at me also dropping his fingers tips to trace the marks."I'm really sorry for all the pain you must have been feeling for forever, we aren't the safest people." He apologized.

I breathed out a soft chuckle. "Captain don't worry, it's nothing I can handle," I reassured him he couldn't help but keep a smile on his face.

"What did I say she's a tough cookie." Tony joked making me hit his chest lightly. Clint stood in front of me also with a goofy soft smile.

"Well hello beautiful, it's nice to finally meet you, kept me waiting so long." He joked.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting Hawkeye." I giggled handing him my hand which he took in his slowly shaking it.

We both watched as the black and purple logo glowed a deep purple much to our amazement and even I knew right away, this weekend was gonna be one hell of a round.

I had to be so thankful to Peter and his sharp eyes I thought to myself watching as Clint exclaimed happily once the purple faded.

He pulled me into a large hug making me squeak, but laugh quietly hugging him back gently holding his upper sides smiling.

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