Not so pleasant

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Your P.O.V.
I walk through the camp line, rushing to see Percy again. I look around to notice rubble and bodies laying around. My pace quickens quickly, from a quick walk to a full on sprint. I feel the sweat run down my face, I don't see Percy anywhere. I continue to jog everywhere in search of my boyfriend, with no luck. I head to the big house, because it was the one place I didn't look. More bodies, that's what I saw, nothing else. Looking to the steps, my feet become cinder blocks, I can't lift them up. On the steps of the big house, there he was. The one and only, Perseus Jackson laid dead right before me. I heard steps behind me, "_____." I turn, looking to the voice I could never mistake. Luke. His ghostly blue eyes stare into my (eye color) ones, gods I haven't realized how much I've missed him. I take one little step to give him a hug and something changes, his eyes. Luke's eyes change from his normal blue to a weird gold. I falter to take the next step, but he sure doesn't. Step by step he becomes closer to me, to the point where he is close enough to hug. So that's exactly what I do, his eyes may have changed him but deep down I know Luke is still in there. A slight pain comes from my lower abdomen, glancing down I witness that he has stabbed me with a dagger. I slip from the hug and to the ground, as my eyelids become heavy I see one last thing. Luke's eyes change back and he examines the dagger he stabbed me with, then his eyes quickly look to me. Tears gather up in his eyes, causing him to do the least expected. He slits his inner arm, then followed the horrible screams. Luke fell to the ground next to me and my eyes shut from exhaustion.

I sit up quickly panting, that dream wasn't so pleasant. Quickly getting dressed I know what I'll be doing today. I grab my bag and dump it out, all my books, notes, pencils, pens, and highlighters fall out onto my bed.

I stuff some clothes, nectar, ambrosia, and money (also counting drachma) into my now empty bag. I look to my closet and spot a glowing item coming from the bottom of my piles of random belongings. I push everything out of the way to reach the sparkling item, it's the sword from two years ago, the one I 'borrowed' from the Stoll brothers. I smiled from the memory of my good old self, the good old 'I'm just gonna take your stuff' kind of person.

Now look at me..........

Exactly the same!

Glancing over to my clock I notice that 1.) I'm late from school, and 2.) Mom and Logan should be out shopping right now. I walk out my room and grab my mother's note, flipped it over and wrote a little note my self.

'Hey mom, I have to go back to camp. It's pretty urgent, I can't go into great detail but I'm pretty sure you understand. (hopefully) With love, _____'

I walk out the door and lock it, then after placing my key under that one rock I set out back to camp. I try to just walk unnoticed, just then the fates decided that I needed a good old smack. I tripped... Face first... Straight into the ground... I just sighed and slowly lifted my body from the ground, then continuing my journey to camp.

After many long hours of walking, pushing, falling, yelling, and almost getting ran over about six times I made it to camp. Dragging my body to the big house I'm pretty sure I'm getting weirds looks right now but I don't care, I'm so tired. I make it to the front steps and just kind of lay there about to fall asleep, then I slowly sit up and look to Chiron who's playing pinochle like I'm just not here.

"_____, is everything alright?" He asks without looking up. I sigh, "I had a horrible dream and I thought I should tell you." He turns, and I notice he is in his wheel chair. Nodding for me to continue I give take in one more big breath and tell him everything.

A/N Here's another update! I hope you all enjoyed. It took a little longer but whatever. I love you all, keep reading on! ~Jewels

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