The Absence of Broken Bones

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Every morning since third year, James could be seen jogging down through the dark haze to the Quidditch Pitch, Clean-Sweep propped on his shoulder. For at least half an hour he'd fly around and around the pitch, then he'd make his way back up to the castle. 

Today was the first Quidditch game of the year. Slytherin versus Gryffindor; the most vicious and anticipated game of the season.

After his daily fly, James had come to breakfast and joined his team at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall. The team were all dressed in scarlet and gold Quidditch robes, surrounded by the animated chatter of students. Two overly-excited second years had lions painted on their faces and were roaring bravely at any Slytherin who passed.

James sat quietly, attempting to block out all surrounding noise. Quidditch was the only thing on this Earth that could make him nervous... and maybe Lily Evans. He sat next to Eoin Wiggins who was nibbling the corner of a piece of plain toast, occasionally sipping on his goblet of pumpkin juice, talking to no one. Sirius and Damien Knapp were running through Beaters drills obsessively. The three girls on the team, Jackie, Marlene and Anais Ellis, sat huddled together; Jackie and Marlene trying their best to keep Anais calm enough to fly.

A few minutes before the end of breakfast McGonagall came down from the staff table and shook hands with all of them. Last to shake hands with her was James.

"Good luck out there today, Mr Potter." She smiled at him warmly.

He half-smiled, half-grimaced back at her.

"I'm looking forward to seeing what you've done with the team this year."

He watched her walk slowly back to the staff table, smiling at students and patting the lion-faced second years on the back.

"Five points each to Gryffindor, for house spirit."

After breakfast, there was a flood of green and red down the school lawns to the Quidditch pitch. Students from Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff were amongst the crowd, dressed in support of their preferred team. The ratio of Gryffindor to Slytherin supporters was significant but Slytherin house made up for it with numerous taunting chants.


The Gryffindor team sat quietly in the change room, all staring at anything other than one another. Eventually, James got up and stood before them.

"Alright. We've been training for this game for two months; we've studied Slytherin's strategy, we know their plays, their tactics, there's perfect flying conditions out there. We've got no excuses. Just play quick and smooth and we'll have this in the bag. Sirius and Damien, those Slytherin Beaters will stop at nothing to take out our players; make sure you take their's out first."

Sirius and Damien saluted James with their bats then high fived each other giddily.

"Marlene, when you see the snitch, fly like hell. Oh and remember everyone, a few elbows never hurt nobody."

"And don't drop the bloody ball, Captain!" Sirius jeered sarcastically, standing up and thumping James on the back.

"I'll try my best," James snorted.

The tension in the room finally dissipated as they all recalled the practice in which James had continually fumbled the Quaffle—Lily Evans had been at that practice. They were still roaring with laughter, cheering and knocking arm guards in good luck as they lined up and waited for their names to be called.

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