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     "This man Muhammad(ﷺ) is never compared to any one else," said 'Umar ibn Asad, Khadَijah's uncle, and his voice was very loud at the meeting, so
al- 'Abbَas ibn 'Abdul- Mutٜtٜalib, the Prophet's uncle, appreciated that from him. This meeting happened when the Prophet(ﷺ) returned to Makkah, and Khadَijahؓ  noticed more profits and blessings in her money, than she was used to. Her servant also told her of Muhammad's good manners, honesty, deep thought, sincerity and faith. She disclosed her wish to marry him. Prophet(ﷺ) agreed and requested his uncle to go to Khadَijah's uncle and talk on the issue.

The meeting ended well and the good news were broken up in every inch of Makkah.

So the blessed marriage happened and the Prophet(ﷺ) then began to pass long hours in the Cave of Hira' in seclusion meditating and in speculation over all aspects of creation around him, while Khadَijahؓ spent her time to look after him and her house and fill his life with delight and enjoyment. This was until that day, when Muhammad(ﷺ) returned home trembling with fear and saying, "Cover me..." Then he said:

"I went out until I was at the mountain, I heard a sound coming from the sky saying, 'O', Muhammad, you are the Messenger of Allah and I am Jibrَil (Gabriel)

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"I went out until I was at the mountain, I heard a sound coming from the sky saying, 'O', Muhammad, you are the Messenger of Allah and I am Jibrَil (Gabriel).' So I raised my head up to see, and I saw Jibrَil looking like a man spreading his wings throughout the horizon. Then i stopped in my place looking and never walked forward or backward until he went away. And here I am O' mother of 'Abdullah."

Then Khadَijahؓ  said, "O' father of al- Qَasim, I sent my Messengers to look for you until they reached Makkah and returned," then she smiled showing her noble face and said, "Cheer up my dear husband and stick to it, for I hope that you are the Prophe of this nation."

After that, she went with the Prophet(ﷺ) to her cousin Waraqa ibn Nawfal ibn Asad ibn 'Abdul- 'Uzza, who had embraced Christianity in the pre-Islamic period, and used to write the Bible in Hebrew. He was a blind old man. Khadَijahؓ  said, "My cousin! Listen to your nephew!" Waraqa said, "O' my nephew! What did you see?" The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) told him what had happened to him. Waraqa replied, "This is Namَus i,e. (the Angel who is entrusted with the Divine messages) that Allah sent to Moses. I wish I were younger. I wish I could live upto the time when your people would drive you out." Muhammad(ﷺ) asked, "Will they drive me out?" Waraqa answered in the affirmative and said, "Anyone who had come with something similar to what you have brought was treated with hostility; and if I should be alive till that day, then I would support you strongly."

This scene ended and the Holy Message was being continued through its right destined way facing obstacles and defying troubles. At that time, an old man came to Makkah to buy some clothes and perfume; so let us see whwt he said about the first period of Islam with Khadَijahؓ .

That old man was called  'Afَif al- Kindَi, he said, "I came to Makkah at the time of Jَahiliyah (time before Islam) in order to buy some clothes and perfumes for my wife. When I was there I met al- 'Abbَas ibn 'Abdul- Muٜtٜtalib, and while I was talking to him looking at the Ka'bah, a young man came and turned his face towards Ka'bah, then a boy came and did as man did, then in a while a woman came and stood behind the man and the boy. Then the man bowed down and the boy and the woman bowed down too. The man then raised his face up and so did the boy and the woman. Then the man prostrated and so did the boy and the woman."

When the old man saw that he looked at al-'Abbَas and said, "O' al-'Abbَas, this is a remarkable thing I saw!" Al-'Abbَas then said, "A remarkable thing? Do you know who that man is?" "No, I do not know," the old man replied. Al-'Abbَas then said, "This is Muhammad((ﷺ) the son of 'Abdullah, and he is my nephew. And do you know who that boy is?" "No, I do not!" the old man replied. Al-'Abbَas then said, "He is 'Ali the son of Abu Tَalib, and he is also my nephew. And do you know who that woman is?" "No, I do not?" the old man replied.

Then al-'Abbَas said, "This is Khadَijah the daughter of Khuwaylid, and she is that man's wife. In fact, this nephew of mine claims that the Lord of heavens and earth has admitted him to this religion (he believes in). I
swear by Allah- as much as I know- that there are no people who believe in this religion except these three people, and I wish I were their forth one."

Al-'Abbَas then made that wish become a truth when he embraced Islam and was a reliable aid for his nephew.

As  matter of fact, Khadَijahؓ  reached a high level and exalted position toward Allah and His Messenger to an extent that Jibrَil once came to earth and gave her as-Salَam (greeting) from Allah, from the seventh heaven. Jibrَil asked Muhammad(ﷺ) to inform Khadَijahؓ  of the Salَam of Allah to her, and when he informed her she said,"Allah is as-Salَam, and Salَam verily comes from Him, and let Jibrَil have my Salَam (greeting) too."

Moreover, Allah has informed her through His Messenger that she would have :

"A palace of Qasab (evacuated pearl) - in Paradise, wherein there will be neither any noise nor any fatigue."

'Ali ibn Abi Tَalibؓ   narrated that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said :

خير نساءها مريم ابنۃ عمران, وخير نسا ءها
خديجۃ  بنت خويلد

"The best of woman (in her time) was Maryam(allaihi salam), and the best woman (of the Prophet's time) is Khadَijahؓ  ."

Khadijahؓ  lived as an honourable free woman, and died as a merciful believing woman . After she died, the Prophet (ﷺ) said:

"وﷲه ما ابدلني جير اً منها, آ منت بي حين كفر ا لناس, وصدقتني اذ كذبني الناس, وواستني بمالها اذ حرمني الناس, ورزقني منها اﷲه الو لدد ون غير ها من النساء"

"Allah has not blessed me with a woman like Khadَijah, she believed in me at the time when people were disbelievers, and she comforted me by her money at the time when people prohibited me, and Allah has blessed me with children from her only amongst all the wives of mine."


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