11. Tiger fights

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Stepping into the hall I became very aware of the small thumping noise that was becoming louder and louder the closer I walked to the stairs. There was still light in the halls so I wasn't that worried about being jumped. I was more curious than anything else as I turned to the stairs and walked down to the first floor just in time to hear the large front door open. I peered around the corner to see a very tall figure standing at the door. They stumbled inside and then, before I could even react, they collapsed onto the floor. Without even thinking I rushed to their side. The figure was a man with long silvery white hair that was streaked with blue. They were very tall and seemed well muscled. They were wearing a thin, white long sleeve shirt over which was a green embroidered vest. I pulled at his sleeve and his arm moved limply revealing not only a golden tanned skin but also a hand with sharp claws nearly an inch long and dripping in blood. I touched a claw to see if it was real and not only was it genuine but it was also very sharp. The man groaned and I dropped his hand and stood back up, razzled and unsure as to what to do. I considered going to find Seally but before I could the man stirred and tried to sit up. Upon doing so he looked up at me revealing gleaming blue feline eyes. He also had small white scars running along his cheeks almost like whiskers. We made eye contact and I flinched and before I could move he reached out and grabbed my wrist with a tight grip, brought my hand to his face and sniffed my fingers. The act surprised me so much that without even thinking I raised my leg and kicked him hard in the stomach. He released my hand and dropped back to the floor with a groan as I ran back up the stairs to Seallys room on the second floor. I banged on the door and Seally immediately opened it.

"Whats wrong?" He asked and for a second I could do nothing but gape before silently pointing back down the hall towards the stairs. Seally looked at me perplexed and then left me to walk down the hall and look down the stairs. "Y/n go back to your room." He told me.

"Whats going on?" I asked.

"Go back to your room." He repeated as he shooed me away and then walked down the stairs where I could then hear quiet talking. For a second I just stood in the hall and then, very slowly, I followed him. At the bottom of the stairs Seally was talking to the man who had now managed to stand up and upon standing I could now see that he wasn't entirely human looking as behind his back there was a long bluish gray tail swishing back and forth in a frenzied manner. For a second I just stared at it before I was able to remind myself that this was the forest so there was a good chance this man was another kind of monster like Seally. 

The man caught sight of me at the top of the stairs and waved causing Seally to turn back.

"I thought I told you to go back to your room." Seally said and I could hear a slight sharpness in his voice that I wasn't accustomed to. He usually used a much more gentler tone.

"Who's your friend?" The man with the tail asked as he eyed me curiously with a wide smile almost as if he had just completely forgotten me kicking him in the gut.

"None of your business." Seally sneered as I slowly walked down the stairs to stand behind Seally who wasn't letting me get any closer than that.

"I'm Y/n." I said, introducing myself somewhat meakly. Standing up I could see that this man was indeed tall as he stood a full head taller than me but he was also rather handsome despite those strange blue eyes.

"A human? How exciting!" The man mused. "Its been so long since I've seen a human. I'm Demetri."

"There's no need for you to introduce yourself." Seally barked at the man.

"And why is that?"

"Because you were just leaving."

"You're kicking me out!? Cant you have mercy? I just had the fight of my life with those damn falcon witches and I'm pretty much half dead!"

"You're fine."

"You don't know that!"

"He's bleeding." I cut in as I pointed at the small trickle of blood that was running down his arm and forming a small puddle on the floor. Demetri saw the blood and smiled as he held up his arm with a pained expression as he turned to look at Seally with a glaring look.

"Are you really gonna kick out a bleeding man out into the dark of the night?" He asked and Seally sort of pouted as he looked at me and then sighed.

"Just for tonight." He said as he turned and gestured for Demetri to follow him back into the house. The man smiled as his tail sort of twitched behind him before he followed Seally with me tailing a few feet behind. Seally led us to the study from before and pushed Demetri inside but stopped me when I tried to enter as well.

"Can I not come in?" I asked.

"Aren't you tired? I can deal with him while you go back to bed."

"I'm fine." I said as I tried to walk forward only to once again be blocked as Seally leaned in close and whispered to me.

"Try to keep a distance." He whispered.

"Is he dangerous?" I asked.

"Just don't get too close." Seally said and with that he turned and went back inside where Demetri had stripped off his shirt to reveal a rather large gash on his left arm where the blood had already soaked through his shirt. He was indeed well muscled with very little body fat but what I took more notice of was the vast array of scars that decorated his arms and chest. Demetri caught me staring and somewhat blushed uncomfortably as he turned slightly so he wasn't on full display.

"I get into a lot of fights." He muttered.

"Because he is an idiot with no self control." Seally added and Demetri didn't argue as he sat down and allowed Seally to treat his wounds.

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