Chapter 28

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Summer is over and so is officially my happiness hahaha. Basically, there won't be daily updates anymore because I don't have the opportunity to write everyday. This were my last summer holidays ever because next year I will work. :(

Alexander POV

The school day was okay, after all we had only four hours, because of the holidays. I stood at my locker and put in my books. Most of the time, though, my thoughts were with Magnus. I thought of the kiss on the cheek he gave me this morning. I thought about the feeling that I had with it. My skin tingled and my heart beat faster.

These feelings scared me. I didn't want to feel that way because I knew they wouldn't be returned. Imagine I really feel more for Magnus, I couldn't tell him. It would destroy our friendship, and I don't want that. Sadly, he is my only friend and he means too much to me. On the other hand, how do I continue if it were so? Should I pretend that nothing is wrong? Could I do that anyway? I was torn from my thoughts when someone pushed me from behind.

"Who do we have there? The fagot of the school." said an unfortunately too familiar voice. I turned around and there stood Jonathan with his clipue. No, not today.

"I'll go, just leave me alone." I said. Jonathan laughed and pushed me against the locker. Great.

"There are no exceptions." he said. "Do you think we'll just let you leave? Look at you, you're disgusting." he said. I should already have a wall for it, so it doesn't hurt me, but I didn't. His words hit me every time, even though I never showed it.

"Just fuck off, Jonathan." I said furiously and pushed him. He looked at me angrily and from his clipue came an 'Ohoo'. Crap. I shouldn't have done that.

"Big mistake, freak." he said, clenching his hand into a fist. He pulled out and hit me once in the face. His clipue laughed and Jonathan grinned proudly. I straightened up, picked up my backpack and hurried out of school. I touched my nose and noticed it was bleeding. Great.

When I arrived outside, I saw Magnus waiting for me in front of the school. No, what is he doing here? How does he know which school I'm going attending, and more importantly, how did he got here? How do I explain my bleeding nose to him?

When our eyes met, his smile disappeared and he looked at me worriedly. Great. He approached me and put his hand on my upper arm.

"Alexander, what happened, are you alright?" he asked worriedly. I only nodded. He pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and pressed it to my nose.

"I'm fine, I just fell down." I lied. I didn't mean to tell him that Jonathan was after me. I don't want him to think I'm weak. He looked at me skeptically and I took the handkerchief from his hand.

"What are you doing here?" I asked with a grin. Now Magnus smiled again.

"You once told me which school you're going to, so I googled the address. I just wanted to surprise you." he answered. I smiled at him. That was sweet of him.

"And you came here without problems?" I asked and he nodded proudly. "I underestimated you." I said and Magnus laughed. "It's good that you're here, so we can start with the to-do list right away." I said.

"I was hoping you would say that." Magnus replied with a grin. Together we went to the subway and headed for Time Square, but I didn't tell him that.

"Have you ever been to New York?" I asked Magnus on the way there. Since my nose had stopped bleeding I threw my handkerchief away.

"No, but I always wanted to. Florida is nice but New York is the city I always wanted to live in." he said. I looked at him in surprise. I'm surprised he never told me that.

"So you didn't just come for me?" I asked with a grin. Magnus laughed and put his hand on my thigh. It didn't bother me, I enjoyed it his touches.

"Oh, I did. I never had a reason to come to New York, I didn't want to go on vacation alone. " he said. I smiled at him.

We got out when we arrived and we went up the stairs. Now we stood in Time Square. I looked at Magnus, who looked around in astonishment. You can tell immediately that he is a tourist.

"Wow, I've seen pictures but that's a lot cooler." he said. He seemed to be happy, so I was too. "And what exactly do we do here now?" asked he.

"I thought we could chop off two points here." I meant. I took his hand and pulled him after me. Once again, I felt that strange feeling as I took his hand. We stopped at a hot dog stand. "Everyone who's here for the first time must have eaten at least one hot dog." I said. Magnus looked at me in surprise, but did not seem to mind.

I ordered two hotdogs and paid as well. I had extra money for this week aside. I just wanted to have many options. Magnus was about to bite off, but I stopped him.

"Wait, come with me." I said and went through the crowd. Magnus stayed close to me and in the end we sat down on his stairs, where you could watch everything well. "It's exciting to just sit here and watch the people - sometimes you even meet famous people." I said and Magnus looked at me in amazement. "Now you can eat." I said and we both took a bite.

"This is awesome." he said with his mouth full. I knew he would like it. "I have never eaten such a good hot dog." he said and I laughed.

"You will experience a lot of new things here, so be prepared." I answered and he laughed. We just sat there for a few hours watching people. We even saw some well-known people. It was nice because we talked a lot. I liked that it was not tense between us but just open.

I think if the next few days are going so well, besides the meeting with Jonathan, it will be one of the best weeks of my life.

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