Chapter 23: Stranger Things

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As Ronald Weasley approached the stand, Draco braced himself. He knew the redhead had many justified reasons for hating him. Years of bickering and ridicule at school aside, Draco had recently made a move on his ex-girlfriend, and it was now being splashed all over the tabloids. Draco knew all too well that hurt pride could make a man do terrible things.

While Hermione and Potter may have just defended him, the fact that one-third of the Golden Trio thought him guilty would certainly complicate things.

"Mr. Weasley," McLaggen said, "could you describe for the court what happened to you the morning of March 1st, 1997, at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?"

"I could . . ." Ron said, wringing his hands. "But there's actually something else I'd like to share with the court first."

"Oh?" McLaggen's eyebrows shot up. "And what is that?"

Ron cleared his throat. "I'm an Auror for the Department of Magical Law Enforcement—"

"And while I'm sure I speak for the entire court when I thank you for the brave work you do every day, Mr. Weasley"—McLaggen smiled pleasantly, but Draco sensed a warning in his tone—"I must request that you stick to the facts pertaining to this case."

"It does pertain to the case," Ron said. "A few weeks ago, my partner and I tracked down Rudolphus Lestrange, Bellatrix Lestrange's husband. He'd been evading the law ever since his wife's death and Voldemort's defeat. We found him hiding out in Ireland, and in his possession, we found a bunch of Bellatrix Lestrange's memories."

McLaggen frowned. "How is this relevant?"

Ron took a deep breath, looking a little more confident now. "It's been my job to view all these memories. We've learned about crimes we didn't even know Bellatrix and Rudolphus committed and the crimes of other Death Eaters who were working for them."

"I see . . ." McLaggen's whole demeanor suddenly changed. "Are there any memories pertaining to Mr. Malfoy?"

"Yes, there's one. I came across it yesterday."

"Do you have this memory with you now?"

"I do."

"Minister Shacklebolt, permission to share the memory with the court?" McLaggen turned to Shacklebolt.

Draco turned toward Steven, expecting him to object, but he did not.

"Permission granted," Shacklebolt said.

McLaggen took a small vial from Ron, labeled it as evidence, then tipped it into the shallow basin in the center of the room. This Pensieve was unique in the way that it had two golden rods protruding from the inside of the basin, supporting a large glowing crystal ball. The crystal ball glowed brightly for a moment, then shimmered, revealing the memory to the court.

Draco held his breath, racking his brain for what memory Bellatrix could have about him, feeling sickened by the thought of what might be revealed and what it might mean for him.

The image cleared and Draco saw himself in the Room of Requirement at Hogwarts. His heart dropped upon seeing Bellatrix standing next to him as, one by one, Death Eaters began filing out of the repaired Vanishing Cabinet. It was the night Dumbledore was killed.

"Well done, Draco," Bellatrix purred in his ear as she curled her long fingers around his arm. His younger self scowled and shifted away from her.

Bellatrix laughed. "Draco, Draco, Draco . . . why the long face? Have you no appreciation for the honor that has been bestowed upon you?" She inhaled deeply. "To be given the task of killing Albus Dumbledore. I do hope you aren't going to disappoint us like your father . . ."

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