Heaven & Hell

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After an amazing week spent at the Temple, Sara dreaded the moment she had to go back to Hosnian Prime. Leia had already left her position at the senate and the election for the new Alderaanian representative was happening that day and Sara needed to be on Hosnian Prime when the results were out. She landed on the Senate parking lot and decided to wait for the results inside her ship. The crowd of reporters that she could see already waiting for her on the lot was too much for her to deal with right then – especially after living a week in peace at the Temple, doing nothing but training during the day and making love at night. She sighed as the memories filled her mind, smiling. She grabbed her phone and walked from the cockpit to the living room of the ship; she sat on the couch and turned on the news on her TV – she watched the news reporter talk about the results so far: Sara was winning, Anne and Jon didn't stand a chance. She closed her eyes and turned off the TV, letting her head rest on her hands – worry taking over her – she was only nineteen years old and an enormous responsibility was about to fall on her lap; responsibility not just to her people, but the obligation of stopping the Centrists' rising as well.

Suddenly her phone rang, bringing her back to reality – it was Leia.

"Hello." Sara answered.

"Hi, dear." Leia looked at her with affection and worry, "How are you doing?"

"I'm terrified." Sara admitted. "I've just realized the big mess I got myself into."

"I know... I did my best to try and stop that mess – but I was unable to do it." Leia sighed, concerned. "Now, it's up to you."

Sara looked at the woman's face on her phone screen, then she whispered: "I'm afraid."

"I know. I would be surprised if you weren't." Leia paused, there wasn't much more to say. Then she tried to change the subject: "How was Yavin?"

"It was pretty good." Sara hope Leia didn't notice the way she blushed. "I talked to Ben; he's not worried about who his grandfather was. And Master Luke let me stay for the week so I also trained a little. It was really good."

Before Leia could reply, loud pounding noises on the door of the ship had Sara jumping from the couch.

"The results are officially out." said Leia, checking the TV on her side. "Congratulations and may the Force be with you, dear."

"Thank you." and Sara hung up, taking a deep breath before walking out of the ship to start, officially, her political career – and her plans to infiltrate the First Order.


A few months after Sara had been elected, despite all the work of the Populists, Senator Tai-Lin Garr of Gatalenta was nominated First Senator – which was a big victory for the Centrists and the First Order.


One year later

26 ABY

Being alone in Leia's big apartment was a relief. Sara, 20, had to be careful of everything she did and said whenever Anne and Jon had been around – but both were working for the First Order somewhere else now – so, Sara had all the luxurious apartment (and the two service droids) to herself, and she could call Ben anytime, or Leia, and no one was the wiser.

The days at the Senate were becoming increasingly more difficult; there were too much discussion and little action – and the First Order was getting more and more adepts every month (some willingly, but most joined them by necessity). The majority of Senators had finally realized by then the huge danger that such military group was to the Galaxy – but it was, unfortunately, too late.

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