Dear Patton,

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  Today is the last of summer and I am writing to you about how my day was. I woke up around 8 am and I still feel very tired, I went to my school to get ready for tomorrow and I am not ready. my cousins start school, I have to protect them so they do not get hurt. I have to also take care of myself this year because I am going to be a junior and I already know that i'm going to be stressed out and I am terrified but I know that I am going to be fine. 

  You never told me how your summer was, well I didn't exactly tell you how mine was either. Well my summer started out very rough, I had to go to summer school because I had to take another state test and I failed geometry. I called one of my good friends everyday to keep me sane and I found out something about myself... I have D.I.D. basically I have a multi-personality disorder. I have (so far) 14 personalities and I have learned to love and hate them. I tell you more about  them in another letter. I turned 16 this summer and I honestly thought I would have a good birthday but I was so wrong, I may have had the worst birthday in my life. My niece turned my birthday into her day. I can not deal with her but she does not live with me so I am thankful for that. My sister moved out of the house and I am happy for her because she got out of our toxic household. She went to live with her boyfriend of 4 years and I see her once a week. 

  I was recently diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder and my mom thought that was complete horse shit, and the doctor explain how I could have gotten this disorder and she dragged me out that office and told me that I was fine and that they were wrong. I finally realized why I am the way I am, and I am somewhat getting help. At the age of 3 or 4 I could not speak and my parents said that I was just spoiled but they only then realized I didn't even make a noise so they took me to the doctors and the doctors said that my uvula and my tonsils were completely swollen, so I then got surgery at ages 5 and 6. I have a few speech disorders and I don't realize that I have them. back to the other story, when my mom dragged me out of the office my mom called my dad and told him what they had just told us and he didn't even care, he just said and I quote "Alright. I'll see you guys at home. do you want food?" Love you dad.

  On July 22nd my friend colleen and I were video chatting on messenger and then she said that she wanted me to meet one of her friends and at that point my life changed for the better. Conner joined the call and I had a lost for words. over the course of 3 days he and I started talking and on July 25th 2019 at 11:06 am, Conner asked me to be his girlfriend. And of course I said yes, and has made me so happy. 

  In August I went to Mexico to visit my family and I felt decent going over there but I am glad that I went. But when I got back I was sore and I sick. I feel better now but I start school tomorrow so i have to wrap this up and go to sleep.

  Kid I hope you have a good day tomorrow and a good year. 

     Yours truly, Patton.

August 20th, 2019. 11:22 pm

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