Chapter 2|"who does she remind you of?" Pt.3

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(Lion form)
F/n roars, and Talia jumps out of the grass and roars back.
"Talia." F/n growls
M/n, Timon, and Pumbaa arrive behind F/n, with other lionesses.
"Timon, Pumbaa. Great. Now that we all know each other.. GET OUTTA OUR PRIDE LANDS!" Timon shouts.
"Your Pride Lands? {she snarls, making Timon leap backwards over Pumbaa's head in fear} These lands belonged to Ras."
"I banished you from the Pride Lands! Now you and your young cub... get out!"
"Oh... haven't you met my son, Damian? He was chosen by Ras to follow in his footprints... and become King!"
"Pbbb! That's not a king... that's a fuzzy maraca!" Timon answers back.
"Damian was the last born before you exiled us to the Outlands, where we have little food, less water..." Talia says ignoring the remark Timon said.
"You know the penalty for returning to the Pride Lands!"
"But the child does not! However... if you need your pound of flesh... here.,
She nudges Damian toward F/n, daring him to show either ruthlessness or cowardice.
Damian shivers in fright wondering what might happen to him.
"Take him and get out. We're finished here."
F/n picks up Y/n in his teeth. Talia walks over to F/n and looks down at a terrified Y/n.
"Oh no, F/n... we have barely begun." Talia said in a threatening voice.
She glares wickedly at Y/n, then turns and picks up Damian in her jaws. He and Y/n watch each other dangle by the jaws of their parents as they move apart.
"Bye..." he whispers
"Bye..." she whispers back.

F/n and the lionesses move off over the ridge, back toward the Pride Lands, while Talia takes Damian back to the Outlands. Once within sight of the palace, M/n looks back at F/n.
clears his throat, with Y/n still in his mouth
M/n smiles back at him, understanding that it's time for The Talk. She and the rest of the pride move off back home. F/n drops Y/n, who grins ingratiatingly up at him; he glares sternly back. She looks at the ground, sighing.
"Y/n, what did you think you were doing? You could have been killed today."
"But Daddy, I-- I didn't mean to disobey--"
"I'm telling you this because I love you. I don't wanna lose you." F/n said to Y/n.
"I know..."
"If something happened to you, I don't know what I'd do. One day I won't be here... and I need you to carry on in my place. You are part of the great Circle of--"
"Circle of Life. I know."
"Exactly. And you need to be careful. As future Queen--"
"But what if I don't wanna be Queen? It's no fun."
"That's like saying you don't want to be a lion. It's in your blood... as I am. We are part of each other." He smiles and playfully shoves her off the rock.

[Play the song at the top of the page]
[ We Are One ]

F/n grins back down at her, and they nuzzle as F/n begins singing.
F/n- bold

F/n: As you go through life you'll see
There is so much that we
Don't understand

A mother bird sternly prevents one of her chicks from trying to fly; a wildebeest calf gets up for the first time as they watch.

And the only thing we know
Is things don't always go
The way we planned

But you'll see every day
That we'll never turn away
When it seems all your dreams come undone

Monkeys grooming each other, hippos jumping and playing.

We will stand by your side
Filled with hope and filled with pride
We are more than we are
We are one

Y/n sings to her reflection in the river. A fish jumps out of the water and into her reflection

Y/n: If there's so much I must be
Can I still just be me
The way I am?

Can I trust in my own heart
Or am I just one part
Of some big plan?

Wind blows F/n, underscoring the fact that it could be G/f/n's spirit.

F/n: Even those who are gone
Are with us as we go on
Your journey has only begun

Tears of pain, tears of joy
One thing nothing can destroy
Is our pride, deep inside
We are one

They run through groups of curiously unafraid animals, many with their young, as they approach Pride Rock.

We are one, you and I
We are like the earth and sky
One family under the sun

Running back up Pride Rock. He indicates it to her.

All the wisdom to lead
All the courage that you need
You will find when you see
We are one

"As long as you live here, it's who you are. {he hugs her and kissed her head, lifting her body off the ground. She seems unconvinced} You'll understand someday." F/n said to Y/n

A bird flutters by her, circles, and flies off over the Pride Lands into the sun. Y/n looks sadly thoughtful for a second, and then turns to face the sun. Sitting down, she looks at the ground for a second, ears flat, but then looks towards the sun, ears erect.

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