chapter 3

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A/N: Edited no real changes 😁

four days to the concert

Sweet Pea: Hey Angel, how are you?

Nikki: I'm losing my mind 🤪 how are you?

Sweet Pea: What's wrong?

Nikki: Bobbie is driving me up the wall about my concert outfit. 😒 Like BTS cares if I wear jeans or shorts.

Nikki: Enough about me, how are you? Was your flight ok? 😁

Sweet Pea: It was nice and peaceful. You know if you go to the fan meet, they will see your outfit? Since you know you MEET them. 😏

Nikki: Yes, traitor 😑 I know, but I just don't think they will care about what I have on. I mean really, how many people will they be looking at? 🤔 How long will they even have to consider my outfit? 🤔 Most importantly why will they care? 🤔

Nikki: I think she is being extra. I have seen clips and most people wear their BTS shirts and jeans or whatever.

Sweet Pea: LOL 🤣 what is she trying to get you to wear that has you all moody?

Nikki: She wants me to look like a flippin stripper in a crop top concert shirt and some shorts. 😒You can see almost my whole tattoo.

Sweet Pea: You have a tattoo? What is it? Where is it?

Nikki: You sir are not old enough to know where it is.

Nikki: It's a purple heart.

Sweet Pea: I thought you weren't that kind of a fan 😏 lol

Nikki: Well I got the tattoo in honor of my grandfather when he passed a few years ago. That was before I knew BTS was a thing.

Sweet Pea: Oh, sorry for your loss 😔

Nikki: Thanks, I am having it altered a bit to make the difference a bit clearer. Anyway, what are your plans now that you have made destination B?

Sweet Pea: Eat and sleep. 🙄 Tomorrow I have a long day.

Sweet Pea: Soooo what about a crop top makes you look like a stripper? 🤔 Lots of girls wear them and they don't look like strippers?

Nikki: First why crop it, it's a concert tee 🙄 who does that?!?!?! Second, I just don't think it's appropriate. My boobs are too big for that style. I am not trying to embarrass myself there are kids there

Sweet Pea: I'm sure your friend wouldn't do that you? 😏

Nikki: Yes, she would. 😐 She is an ass and lives vicariously through me and mine.

Sweet Pea: 🤣🤣🤣 I did NOT know that was a thing lol

Sweet Pea: For what it's worth at these things the idols spend about a minute or so with each person. It helps them bond with their fans and build connections.

Nikki: 🤔😏You know a lot about idols lol

Sweet Pea: I go to these things a lot for work. 😊 I even went as a kid they haven't changed much over the years

Sweet Pea: I am sure whatever you wear you will look amazing. Maybe you can send a picture. I would love to know what you look like.

Nikki: 🤔 you're not just trying to see if she gets me in a crop top, are you? LOL 😁

SP: LOL not yet 😁

Nikki: LOL 😏 I'll send a picture of us when we make it there. Now go eat and rest lol

SP: OK have a great time ttyl

Jungkook's POV

Wow, I wonder if I will see her at the concert. I thought while currently just relaxing in my room considering food options. Laying across the middle of my bed diagonally when the door opens. Tae comes in and flops down on my bed trying to check out my phone. I hurry and lock my phone so he can't see what I'm doing. I'm not ready to share with my friend yet.

Taehyung: Who are you texting?
His big ass smile is annoying me.

Jungkook: Dude? Nosey?!?!?
I pull my phone closer so giraffe neck can't see it.

Taehyung: Of course. Is it a girl? Are you already trying to get some? Dude we just got here lol.
This dude and his facial expressions.

JK: None of your business Tae.
He is getting on my nerves, not like her cares though.

Tae: You are trying to get some.

Tae: Is she cute? Is she coming here? Is she bringing a friend?

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Tae: Is she cute? Is she coming here? Is she bringing a friend?

JK: Dude really?!?! NOT trying to "get some" NOT "bringing a friend" and you are NOT funny or getting any more info

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JK: Dude really?!?! NOT trying to "get some" NOT "bringing a friend" and you are NOT funny or getting any more info.

JK: Dude really?!?! NOT trying to "get some" NOT "bringing a friend" and you are NOT funny or getting any more info

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Tae: Wow hurtful!!! I am so funny. Aaaaaannnnd you might need some with your mean ass. Just saying, getting a nut or two should be good for your attitude.
I roll my eyes and sigh.

JK: Whatever. I'm hungry what are you eating?
He is so easy to redirect; I mean we all kind of are if you use food.

Tae: Panda express. You know this.
He looks a bit offended, not that I care.

JK: I think I want BBQ.
It's hilarious to see how quickly he changes his mind.

Tae: Sounds good get me some too. Get me what you get and a Coke.

JK: OK I got you.

He mumbles "about time," While I get on the phone to find a place that delivers BBQ Then pay them with his card.

A/N: If anyone other than me is reading this I would really like your feed back so I can make it better or just let this go and do something else. Or maybe take it down and redo it. 


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