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Silver coughed and hauled the other boy up onto the rocky river bank. He wiped the water from his eyes and started squeezed water from his dripping, red hair while the boy next to him hacked up whatever water he had inhaled in his time spent in the water. After getting as much water out of his hair, he sat down and tried to figure out exactly what had happened.

Silver had, had an argument with his father earlier that day and had come to the river because it always made him feel better. After sitting at the river for a couple hours, Silver saw this boy drowning in the waterway. He wasn't sure what had came over him, but he had been on his feet and in the water before he even realized he had moved. Since he was already in the water he had might as well save the guy.

The fact that he had even went in the water at all was what surprised Silver the most. He didn't like people and nobody cared or liked him, so he didn't see why he should save a complete stranger that would more than likely hate him like everyone else.

A laugh startled him of his inner musings and to the dark-haired boy next to him. The boy had black hair that was fairly short but had long bangs on his right side that went past his nose. In his hand was a familiar hat that told Silver exactly who he had saved.

Silver inwardly groaned. He had saved the loud mouthed Gold. They went to the same high school and Gold had a reputation for being the loudest person in school. He was also one of the few openly gay guys at school. He always wore that black and yellow hat.

"Th-Thank you!" Gold grinned staring at Silver with shining amber eyes. "You saved me!"

Silver narrowed his eyes at the annoyingly loud boy and asked harshly, "What the hell were you doing in a river if you couldn't swim?"

Gold didn't look the least bit put off by the his harsh words though his smile turned sheepish as he started trying to wring the water out of his precious hat. "Well, you see, I was walking by the river because it's really pretty out here. And this large gust of wind blew my hat off my head and into the water. I went in to get it but accidentally went in to far and got swept up in the current. If you hadn't been here I probably would be swimming with the fishes. You saved my life. What can I do to repay you?"

Gold looked up at Silver with a pleading expression and Silver just looked at the other in disgust as he stood up to leave. "You can leave me alone and never mention this to anyone ever!" Silver growled out walking away from the river and toward the forest that separated him from his house.

"W-wait!" Gold called before suddenly he was in front of Silver.

Silver's eyes widened slightly in surprise before narrowing them at the boy who blocked his path. "What do you want now?" Silver asked sharply.

Gold smiled up at Silver. "Do you want to come over to my house to dry off?"

He looked down at Gold in disgust before pushing past him, "No, I don't, you moron."

"Wait, Silver, you didn't let me finish!" Gold called from behind him.

Silver paused at the use of his name. Rarely anyone called him by his name, they only knew him as Giovanni's child. Everyone knew who his father was and therefore him. So it didn't really surprise him that Gold knew who he was.

He looked over his shoulder at Gold and raised an eyebrow. Gold smiled, "Well, your parents probably won't be to happy about you coming home all wet. My dad is on a business trip and my mom won't be back until late so I thought maybe I could let you use our dryer and borrow some of my clothes until yours dry. Then you can go back home and your parents won't even know a thing happened."

Parents? Plural? His mother had disappeared mysteriously when he was just a child. Silver assumed his father had his mother killed because she didn't like how he was treating him. Which led Silver to believe that Gold might not even know who his father was. How did Gold know who he was?

Instead of asking that, Silver narrowed his eyes and thought about it. His father would not be happy if he came home dripping wet and he would ask Silver about it. He would refuse to tell and his father would beat him again. He didn't really want to risk another avoidable beating.

"We're only going to go there to dry my clothes, right." Silver asked and he could see Gold suddenly look hopeful as he nodded.

"Yes. You can leave right after if you want!" Gold said and pulled his hat on, deeming is dried out enough to wear.

Silver gave a slight nod and stared at Gold. A few moments of silence passed before Silver ground out, "Are we going? I don't exactly know where your house is."

Gold shook himself and nodded, "Sorry and yeah! Let's go!"

The Darkest Ruin (Gold x Silver)Where stories live. Discover now