Chapter 7 Concert part 1

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I had just gotten done getting ready for the concert

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I had just gotten done getting ready for the concert. When I heard a truck pull in.

"Bye mama I'll see you later!"

"Bye baby be safe." I grabbed my duffle bag and ran out the door. I throw my bag in the bed and climbed on in.

"Damn baby girl!"

"Not bad your self." I leaned in for a kiss. We kissed than we peeled out of th drive. I turned up the radio. Bullet in the bonfire came on. I know this song was about me.


I knocked on mama Becky's door. She opened the door and let out a gasp. My face was black and blue. I had a cut on my forehead that was seeping blood. "What the hell happened Emma?"

"Bobby. Please don't tell B."

"Baby I can't do that."

"I know." She pulled me in to clean my cut. Bobby was my boyfriend. If I didn't tell him where I was going or anything like that he would hit me. He said if I left him he would kill me. As mama  Becky cleaned my cut I heard  the door open. 2 sets of boots came in. I tried to hold my tear but I couldn't. I started crying. I ran to B and nossled my head in his neck letting the tears fall.

BG prov

I pulled into my drive with Kolby to see Emma's truck. We were on a break. She had started dating Bobby. Something was wrong,  every time I would see her she would have long sleeve shirts on sunglasses and a ton of makeup. This was not my Emma the Emma I knew. I walked in with Kolby behind me. She ran up to me and nozzle into my neck. She was crying.

"What's wrong? "

"Promise not to get mad." She seeped.

"You know I can't promise that."

"I know." She said sadly.

"Emma baby your scaring me."

She stepped back and I got a view of her face. Her right side of her face was covered in brusies. A cut that was on her forehead dripped blood. "What in the hell?" Usually mama would have ripped me a new one for cussing but she stayed silent. "Was it Bobby?" I was trying to keep a civil tone but it wasn't working. She nodded her head yes. "God damit Emma! Why did you not come to me sooner? Why didn't you leave him?"

"If I left he said he would kill me. Plus you would just lose your temper." She said crying harder. I looked at Kolby and nodded. He went and headed for the truck.

"Emma baby we'll be right back. Stay here and let mama fix you up. Alright?" She nodded her head and hugged me.

"Be safe."

"I'll be safe." I said as I went to my pickup. I found Bobby at a bar. I grabbed his t-shirt and pulled him out side.

"So you think it's ok to hit girls?"

"Well it's ok to when the bitch doesn't listen." That's when I lost my temper. I put him in a coma. After he was released he was arrested.

Flash back over

Emma's prov

"Emma you alright sweet heart?" B said waving his hand in front of my face. I noticed we were at the arena.

"Yep just think of the song." He nodded his head.

"Here comes everyone." He said laughing and pointing. I started laughing too. The wifes were walking while the boys were running to try to catch up with them. I got out and all the girls came and pulled me in to a group hug.


"Hey y'all what's up?"

"We can't wait to stay with you!"

"I can't wait either!" I said as they led me to the arena.

2 hours later

We were all backstage. Luke was getting ready to go on. Me and the girls had made plans for the weekend.

"So are you ladies coming to the meet and greet?" Thomas asked.

"Well duh! We have make sure that those..." Lin  started.

"Hoes!" Britt said with a cough.

"Stay off our men!" Lim finished. We all shouted in agreement with a hell ya. B pulled me to the side as Luke went on.

"Good luck baby."

"Emma I just wanted you to know I love you. There I said it and I never want to be with another women but you."

"Ooo B! I fell the same way I love you too and I fill the same way. We kissed as he got called to go on stage.

"Y'all ready to party tonight?"

The girls and I were standing by a wall as we watched people come meet the guys. We were watching out men like hawks. We all saw her at the same time. She had shorts that her butt was going to fall out of. A tight t-shirt. We all looked at each other and mouthed "slut." She looked at me and winked. Ooo dear Lord this was going to be interesting.

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