Chapter 23 why part 2

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Still in B's prov

I got in my truck and went home. I went and got my bible. It had dust covered all over it. I never really read this but I needed some guidance. I turned to the page that was dog eared. I sat there reading it before I gathered up clothes and my gatuar. I throw my stuff in my truck and went back to the hospital. Instead of going in I sat and prayed. I prayed harder that I've ever had. I finally went inside. I saw every one and went and sat by them.

"Have you heard anything?" They all shook there head. I started praying again. An hour later the doctor came out.

"Emma's family?"

"That's us."

"Sugrey went well. Her leg and arm are in a cast. She did have a few spots of internal bleeding. But she is well and resting. She is doing well."

"What about the coma doc?"

"Well I'm hoping she will wake up in a couple days."

"May we see her?"

"Yes just be careful." We all got up and followed the doctor. I looked in the window to see my Emma covered in tubes. I opened the door and went in. Me and her mom stayed the night. In the morning Mrs. Barnes went home to shower and to take Trigger to Teri's and Mike's house. I stayed and talked to Emma.

Emma's prov

Ever have a out of body experience? Well that's what was going on right know! I can see my self in the hospital bed. But I'm not in my body. I saw B, mom, and my mama Becky.

"B!" I yelled. I went over to him. He walked right through me. I'm a ghost!  No I can be dead. I know I'm not dead but what happened to me? Oo right the truck. I went and stood by my body.

"Wake up!" I screamed at myself.

B prov

I watched people come and go feeling bad for me and Emma. Carrie sat down and talked with me for awhile. Pretty much every one from the country music came by. When Luke, Jason and Thomas came I led them to get coffee.

"How you doing B?" Luke asked.

"Honestly I'm not doing good. I'm going nuts!"

"I'm so sorry man. If Britt was there I would be doing the same thing." We talked for awhile than I went back to the room. I grabbed Emma's hand.

"Baby please get up. I need you. I'm so sorry I said the things I said. Baby please please." I started crying. 

Emma's prov

I was tired of people. I'm not dead yet! Yet being the key word. I went and sat in the chair by B. Carrie came in and set flowers down by the other ones. Then she came and sat in me!

"Carrie! Carrie get your fat butt off me!" I know she couldn't hear me. So I just flew through her. More people came.

"Thank you. Reba these are beautiful! Deirks you know I don't drink! But thanks." B went down stairs with the boys so it was just me. I waited for a bit. Than B came back. As soon as he appeared I saw a blinding white light. It's  like it wanted me to go towards it so I did.

B's prov

I walked back into her room. All of the sudden her heart monitor went off. I cried. She was dying. "Nurse!! Nurse!"

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