Part 1

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Bang! Bang! Fuck! The shots ring out in the air and I run, that's what you do here on this side of town. We don't have the nice white houses with crystal lights and nice clothes, we have pealing paint, broken fences and falling apart roofs. We have wear leather jackets, crop tops and ripped jeans. We are the trash of the town you see it on their eyes at school and everywhere else. I ran far enough to wear I can stop, when I do it's so fast my long hair hits me in the faces. Some of us look more low class then others, my sister looks like every goth stereotype ever and she hates me for looking like a so called rich bitch. Mavis may say that I look like that but everyone knows I'm not, even her when it comes down to it.
"Venessa!" Mavis yells from the door. I jog into the house.
"I'm ok." I tell her walking to my room.
"You were meant to be home an hour ago." She says.
"Who are you mom." I snap.
"Whatever get shot, I don't care." I says putting her hands up.
"Yeah right, you'd miss the hell out of me." I tell her walking away. I know she rolled her eyes when I turned my back she always does. I just have go to bed and get through school with more privileged people.
I walk into class and sit behind Britney who's basically queen of the bitches, the class fills in like normal and I just wanna leave.
"Hi Venessa." Justin says taking his seat behind me, he says hi to me everyday for no reason.
"Justin." I reply just like I always do.
"Oh for the love of jewels. Justin don't waste your breath on her, like everyday you do the same thing. If you want sex she'll probably just give it to you." Britney snaps. I snort and put my feet on the desk.
"I wasn't doing that. I really wasn't." Justin says to me.
"I don't care." I tell him.
"Of course you don't." Britney snaps again.
"Hey Brit, has anyone ever told you to um I don't know, shut the fuck up." I snap back, I hear Justin laugh a bit. Britney glares at me and smirks a bit, then she turns around with her hand up.
"Ms Brown, so sorry to be rude but I overheard Vanessa trying to sell drugs to Justin." She calls out. I clench my jaw, they did this to my sister a little while back. Ms Brown opens the door and calls in the police officers we have on the hall, one walks over to me.
"Stand up, hands behind your head." He says, it's stupid but I do it.
"Watch it." I tell him as he gives me a pat down.
"Empty your pockets." He tells me, I take out my phone, house keys and a hair tie. The officer then goes through my bag, some of us from the lower class keep knives in our bags but I don't need to I can use my hands just as well.
"There's nothing there." I tell him. He keeps looking through all my stuff, he pulls out a little blue bag.
"What's in this?" He asks.
"Stuff." I say, I like to mess with them a bit.
"Cute." He snaps opening the bag and dumping what's in it on the desk, everyone is watching.
"I don't think having tampons is illegal." I sass him.
"Watch yourself." He snaps.
"Can I sit now?" I ask.
"Yeah. She's clean." He says walking out, I sit and start putting my stuff back in my bag.
"That was pathetic Brit." Justin tells her.
"You never know Justie she could have weed just like her sister." She says.
"You and I know both know that Mavis wasn't the one who had that weed." I hiss.
"Watch how you talk to me, my mom knows a guy who land her right back in juvie." Britney says.
"I could break your arm in under a minute." I threaten.
"I don't think that's a good approach right now." Justin tells me.
"Shut up." I snap at him. He puts his hands up to say alright sorry. I know I'm being a bitch but I don't care, I have no problem braking Britney's leg or arm right here.
"You should probably listen to him. One word from me and that cop will be back." Britney says.
"Oh no so scary. News flash, I don't care." I tell her.
"If you don't mind Venessa I would like to start class." The teacher says. I shrug and shut up I'm not in the mood for this. 
It's not hard to track down Mavis in the hall, we walk to lunch with the rest of our group.
"I'll kill that bitch!" Mavis yells hitting the table.
"Shush keep your voice down." I snap.
"We should teach them a lesson." She says.
"Relax Mav." I tell her.
"Britney is a bitch." She tells me.
"I know, but we can't make a commotion." I say.
"Ven. She needs to be taken care of, Justin to." She says.
"What did he do?" I ask.
"He's friends with Britney." She says like it should be obvious. I look over at the table across the room where the more privileged people sit, Britney is giggling and playing with her hair. It's clear she want Justin, and since he's a guy he'll go for it. She sees me looking and takes Justin's face and kisses him. He doesn't miss a beat, he actually pulls her on top of him. Ew.
"Let's do it." I say turning back to my sister.
"Get a room slut!" She yells over to them. Britney ether doesn't hear her or just doesn't care, she keeps making out with Justin and of course no one cares. I'll admit Britney is beautiful but she's the kind of girl who just dates whoever happens be popular. The bell rings and everyone leaves for the next class, I hate this place I just wanna leave.
The walk home is long but it's fine Mavis has her knife anyway incase something happens.
"Venessa." Britney calls running up to me.
"What do you want?" I ask her.
"I just wanted to tell you that Justin as my new boyfriend, will no longer be talking to you. If you talk to him I'll end you." She says.
"That's funny. We could end you right here." Mavis says.
"Chill out Mav. I got it Brit, it's not like we talked much anyway or that I actually care. Have fun being a whore." I tell her, I turn to leave but she grade my arm.
"Fuck you, you'll always be the low piece of shit." She snaps then she slaps me. That was a mistake, I give her a look.
"You really shouldn't have done that." I say, then punch her in the nose. She tries to tackle me, I just knee her in the stomach. She lands a punch that makes my lip bleed. I drop my bag and spit out some blood, as much as I hate her she has a good punch. I swing my leg to hit hers, she falls on the ground and before she can get up I swing my leg again and kick her in face. She has a cut on her head and her lip but I'm going easy on her. She reaches up and pulls me down by the jacket, we're on the ground hitting each other the people around are watching but just keep walking. Someone grade Britney by the arm and pulls her up and away from me.
"Chill. That's enough." Justin says holding Britney. I stand up and brush some hair out of my face.
"Look who saved the day." I say coldly. Justin glares at me, we hear the sirens. As soon as I do me and Mavis take off running leaving Justin and Britney there. That's just the way it is and if there smart, they'll run too. We make it home fine, our mom is in the kitchen trying to cook.
"Good god Venessa what did you do now?" She asks when she sees me.
"Took Britney down a peg." I tell her.
"Britney Smith? The one who's uncle is Mavis PO?" My mom says more then asks. Fuck I forgot about that.
"I didn't kick her ass." Mavis says.
"They'll do it to hurt me." I say. Within the hour the cops took Mavis again, all because of Britney. Plus about Britney, she always posts where she is. I know where to find her, and I'm gonna make her wish she was dead.

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