Part 6

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Sitting in the waiting room is killing me, Justin's parents showed up a few minutes ago and are freaking out. I just sit quietly shaking my leg, I'm scared for him. I saw the blood and I know how this goes. The police asked me what happened and I told them everything, their out looking for Jack.
"Fawn." A nurse says, I look up and Justin's parents walk over to her. They walk back down the hall and I go over to the nurse.
"Is Justin Fawn ok?" I ask her.
"Who are you?" She asks.
"His girlfriend." I tell her.
"I'm sorry I can only give information to family." She says walking away.  Damn it. I sit down and after a few minutes Justin's parents come back around.
"Venessa, he kept asking for you." His mom says.
"Room 235." His dad says, I get up and walk as fast as I can. Knock.
"Come in." Justin says.
"Your ok." I say walking over to the chair by the bed.
"Hey I'm alright. They give you a hard time getting in?" He asks.
"Yeah, your mom said you were asking for me." I say.
"Yeah I was." He tells me smiling.
"Is there a reason?" I ask standing next to him. He wraps a arm around my waist.
"Yeah. I wanted to make sure you were ok, you should get your head checked out." He tells me. I sit on the edge of the bed.
"You got shot and your worried about my head?" I ask.
"Of course. I'll call the nurse." He says hitting the buzzer.
"Did you need something?" The nurse ask.
"Can you just check out her head please." He says.
"That's really not needed." I say.
"It's not trouble dear." She says coming over to take a look.
"No really. You should make sure he doesn't rip the stitches laying like that." I say.
"Your head will be just fine, and she's right you really shouldn't lay like that." She says.
"I'll be fine." Justin says.
"Justin, if you tear them they could get infected and blood or pus leaking from the stitches, which may have a foul odor." I tell him.
"That's right. Have you ever thought about being a nurse?" The lady asks.
"No, that'll never happen." I tell her.
"Don't be so sure. She knows her stuff, just listen to your girlfriend and you'll be fine." She says leaving.
"She's right, you should be a nurse." Justin says.
"That won't happen, I'm the trash girl. I'm lucky if I survive to the end of high school." I tell him.
"But would you like to?" He asks.
"I guess so." I tell him.
"Ok, then I'll help you." He says.
"What?" I ask not sure u heard right.
"I'm gonna help with the school stuff, the college applications, the money, all of it." He says.
"Justin, you can't be serious." I say shocked.
"I am, very." He tells me.
"Oh my god." I say throwing my arms around him, he hugs my with the arm without the IV in it. I look at him for a minute then kiss him, deep. He doesn't do any for a minute then he kisses me back, the heart monitor goes up as we make out. I don't wanna hurt him so I keep my touch light. Knock. I get off and sit back in the chair.
"Come in." Justin says.
"Hope I wasn't interrupting, Justin you can come home in tomorrow." His mom says from the door.
"Sounds good. You should go home and get some rest." Justin says to me.
"I don't wanna be around my mom, I want to stay with you." I say reaching for his hand.
"I meant go home with my parents, to my house ok." He says.
"We'll be happy to have you." Mrs. Fawn says.
"I couldn't intrude. I'll just stay the night here." I say.
"Ven. Go on, sleep in an actual bed." He says.
"Fine." I give in, giving him a quick kiss goodbye and go with his parents.
I sit down at the table, I know they said Justin could go home tomorrow but I'm still worried.
"You want lunch hon?" His mom asks.
"No thanks Mrs. Fawn." I tell her.
"My man have been trying to track Jack down, any ideas on where he could be?" His dad asks me walking in.
"I don't. I'm sorry." I tell him honestly.
"We'll get him don't worry." He says. The rest of the day is probably depressing, I sit around mostly. I went into Justin room out of boredom. He has posters on the walls of different rappers, a night stand with a football trophy in it, lots of pictures and books. I look at pictures on the shelves over the bed, one has little Justin and his mom ice skating at Rockefeller Center in New York City. That's a long way from Tennessee, I look at the picture next to it. It's Justin around age twelve with his dad and mom, their at a beach in Los Angeles California. I see a box in the corner of the room labeled post cards. I open it, California, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida, Toronto Canada, London, Montana, Texas, Georgia, Tokyo Japan. He's been so many places all over and I can't believe it.
"We like to travel." His mom says from the door.
"Yeah, I can tell, that looks so fun." I tell her.
"Justin loves it. He always wanted to go to Paris, I think we'll do that next." She says.
"He'll love that."I say.
"Yes I think he will." She says. I put everything back and head to the kitchen for dinner, I eat fast and go to bed.
Blood, gun fire.
"VENESSA!" Jade yells, bang! Shot in the head her blood on my face. At the school, punching. Justin gets shot, his blood filling the pavement.
"Justin!" I scream waking up. I look around, it's the guest room and Justin is ok. It's ok I need to chill, but I can't. I don't sleep the rest of the night.

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