Part 3

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I wake up and Justin is still here.
"I thought you would have left." I say.
"Nah. But, you should get dressed." He says.
"Yeah probably. You should have gone through." I say.
"Why?" He asks.
"I may be may things but I don't a relationship person isn't one of them." I point out.
"I have a girlfriend." He reminds me.
"Yeah well you and I both know that you'll tell her." .I say.
"You think she'll care?" He asks.
"That you slept with the trash girl. Yeah." I tell him.
"Why do you do that? Your not trash." He says.
"Don't get all nice on me." I say.
"You should know, I'm not that nice." He says.
"Ew shut up." I say throwing a pillow. He smirks at me but does.
"Britney is gonna kick your ass." He says.
"Sure she will." I say.
"She probably won't even care." He says.
"Justin, your girlfriend is gonna care." I tell him.
"Yeah, I probably shouldn't have done that." He admits.
"Why did you?" I ask.
"Why did you?" He asks turning it on me.
"I was bored." I say too quick.
  "Right." He says shrugging, his shirt is still off and I see the long scar going down the side of his chest.
  "Why didn't you turn him in for that?" I ask.
"Same reason you did. To keep your gang safe." He tells me.
"It's not a gang." I say.
"Gang, group whatever. It was a mistake." He says.
"You could have died." I point out.
"You almost die everyday." He says back taking a few steps so he's right in front of me.
"That's cuz I live here." I say motioning to the room. He looks down at me, I'm shorter then him so when I say he looks down I mean it.
"I like here." He says softly.
"This happened when you were here." I say running my finger across his scar, I know as soon as I do that I shouldn't have.
"Yeah." He agrees biting his lip a bit.
"Damn it." I say under my breath closing the space and kissing him. He doesn't miss a beat, no hesitation at all he just kisses me. He slides his hands to my waist and I put one of mine on the back of his neck and the other in his chest. Crash. We jump back and turn towards the crash, my mom is standing in the door way with a broken bowl on the floor. She just stares at us.
"Mom." I say.
"Whatever you want from her your not having it, get out." She says to Justin.
"I don't-" He tries but my mom cuts him off.
"Out." She says harshly.
" yes ma'am sorry ma'am." He says grading his shirt and leaving.
"You should know better Venessa." My mom says.
"Sorry." I tell her.
"He's the reason your sister is in jail." She says.
"No that was Britney." I tell her. She just shakes her head and gets a broom for the glass.
I'm not surprised when Britney slaps me as soon as I walk into class.
"You bitch!" She yells.
"Your point?" I ask, she slams me into the wall and look up at her from the floor.
"You don't fuck other girls boyfriends." She says.
" hypocrite." I snap.
"Fuck you." She says slamming my head into the wall. I get up fast and push her back. My friends noticed and so did hers. Before you know it we're all punching each other. Not much room in the class so we take it outside, grass, dirt and blood fly. People who aren't fighting are watching like Justin. The cops come running and Britney kicks me off into one, who pushes me against the school wall and cuffs me. The others do the same to my friends.
"Woah. Britney started it she was just reacting." Justin says running over.
"Justin please step back from the girl for your own safety." The Officer says.
"That's ridiculous she won't do anything to me." Justin tells him.
" please son." The Officer says trying to push past him.
"Let it go." I tell him.
"Here. Now let her go." He says throwing a thing of money at the him, he un cuffs me and Justin pulls me away from the mess.
"What the hell was that about?" I ask.
"The cop is my dad, it's fine." He says.
"You pages your dad off?" I ask.
"Yeah it's interesting I know but your ok so." He tells me.
"You shouldn't care." I say. He grads my arm.
"What was yesterday about?" He asks.
"I told you I was bored." I say.
"Yeah then you made out with me again." He tells me.
"I shouldn't have done that." I say trying to walk away, he doesn't let me.
"I broke up with Britney." He says.
"Why?" I ask.
"This." He says grading me and kissing me. I'm shocked and don't know what to do, I know I like it and I hate that I do. I can't like it or him, no way. I push him off but not harshly just enough to get his lips off mine.
"No." I say softly.
"Don't try and tell me you don't like that." He says.
"I don't." I lie trying to walk away again.
"Venessa, wait." Justin says trying to grad my arm again.
"No. I can't. Justin no." I say my voice shaking.
"Ven. Please, I don't know why but I can't stop thinking about yesterday." He says.
"Justin it was a bad idea, you and I both know that." I say.
"Venessa I know. But I can't help feel like there's someone inside you trying to get out." He says.
"What you wanna fix me? This is who I am." I say.
"No I didn't mean-" He starts but I cut him off.
"No. Stop." I say walking away from him.
"Venessa." He calls after me but I keep walking. Don't care, don't care, don't like him just keep walking. I hate that I've been thinking about it to.

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