Forward Alone, Backwards Together • Five Hargreeves x Reader

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【Forward Alone, Backwards Together】
【00.05 x Reader】

Chapter Playlist:•Run boy Run - Woodkid•Time - Aidan Gallagher•Falling For U - Peachy!, mxmtoon•Fools - Lauren Aquilina •Somewhere Only We Know - Lily Allen•Love Someone - Lukas Graham•Never Grow Up - Taylor Swift•Tear in My Heart - Twenty One Pli...

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Chapter Playlist:
•Run boy Run - Woodkid
•Time - Aidan Gallagher
•Falling For U - Peachy!, mxmtoon
•Fools - Lauren Aquilina
•Somewhere Only We Know - Lily Allen
•Love Someone - Lukas Graham
•Never Grow Up - Taylor Swift
•Tear in My Heart - Twenty One Pliots
Five is fifteen when he leaves, he's taken in by The Handler super earlier (29), new Commission deal! Instead of five years, it's ten.


Five was tired of being told 'no' about testing his time-traveling abilities. He's practiced his spatial jumps, perfected them in many ways, but his father still declined his wishes. After months of rejection, he asked one more time during breakfast. When his father told him 'no', Five huffed and stormed out. He jumped forward once, seeing had successfully jumped into some sort of future he chose to do it twice more. When he landed in the apocalyptic aftermath of the world ending, he knew he went a little too far then planned.

He ran through the rubble back to his home that once stood only to find it destroyed. He dug through most of the ruins to find his siblings dead, in Luther's oddly huge hand he found a bloodied glass eye. He sadly took it out of his hand and held it close to him, he would later clean it off and keep it on him twenty-four-seven. After accepting the fact he was stuck since his powers wouldn't let him return to 2004, he sat on a rock that once apart of the academy and cried. He had to get it out and knew it was the healthiest way to do so.

Five proceeded to spend the next nearly fourteen years by himself, he would eat canned food, bugs, or even test the limits and try most likely expired food. On September thirtieth, Five felt off, he couldn't tell what was making him feel like that though. He thought to himself that maybe this is how it felt for your sanity to slowly slip, it was nice if he was being honest. He chose to finally lay down and rest up, telling himself it's a problem for him to figure out in the morning.

Waking up the next day, October first, he sighed. It felt later in the day, so he wished all his siblings a happy birthday starting from Vanya and ending with Luther. When he finally sat up, he saw a blonde wearing completely back- all the woman did was wave before making her way over. Five sneakily grabbed his handgun and pointed it at the woman, willing to shoot if she threatens him. "Hello!" She greeted finding a seat on a nearby rock, "Hi..?" Five greeted back unsure of how to feel in this situation.

The only thing the woman did was chuckle before she spoke; "I came here to offer you a birthday gift" she said cheerfully. She went onto explain that her name was The Handler, and how Five was a 'legend' back at her work aka The Commission. She said the 'birthday gift' was an offer to work at The Commission for ten years, correct time. Make sure everything that needs to happen, happens. After those ten years are finished he can go back to whatever year he desired. Five realized he truly had nothing to lose, so he accepted the offer. He shook The Handler's hand and was teleported into The Commission's building.

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