Eye Lenses. V.

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I told my mother that I only helped June because of her eyes. But is that what still motivates me? Don't think so...

"Vapor told me that you guys are criminals." Said June.

Daniela nearly chocked on her food, "He did?"

Vapor rolled his eyes, "No. I just told her about the eye lenses. That's it."

"Ah, yes." Daniela smiled. "Well, we are technically criminals."

June smiled, "So am I. Well... kinda."

"Hows that?"

"Well, I am aloud to leave The Circle because I am sixteen years old. But there are laws in each city that you are only aloud to have the colour of eyes depending on what city you're in. But I don't have blue eyes."

"Well, you do." Said Vapor.

"These aren't real though. So I am breaking the law. And so are you." She looked at him wide-eyed.

"Whatever." He continued eating.

"You know, I was wondering, how are these made anyway?" Asked June.

Urghh... this will take a while to explain.

Daniela smiled, "I'm happy that you're interested in them. Eye lenses weren't actually made to change your eye colour at first."



"How did it all start?" Asked June.

Daniela spoke, "The earliest mention of anything resembling a contact lens can be found in Leonardo da Vinci's study of the human eye in 1508."

"1508!? That's ages ago."

Vapor gulped his food down, "Shut up and listen."


Daniela continued, "In 1636, a French scientist Rene' Descartes described something even more similar to the modern eye lenses,

though it wasn't until 1801 that a man named Thomas Young actually built an early version of the contact lens.

These were all rough prototypes, but in 1929, a scientist created the first contact lens that helped people to see."

"Soo... they weren't made to change your eye colour?" Said June.

"No. They were made for people that couldn't see well."

"Wait. Can't everyone see?"

Daniela smiled, "Yes, now we are all able to see. Unless you don't have eye balls."

"How is that possible? What about the old lady we ment in the Green-eyed City?" Asked June.

"She had glass eyes." Said Vapor.

"Glass eyes?"

"Yes. They weren't real. Continue, mum."

"Well, in 2603 a man called Dr Alexander Rogers, a scientist, found something that is in fire, water, nature and even wind. He decided to call it Rogder. He then implanted it into his iris. Into his brown eyes. And then he woke up with fire power."

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