Markets. J.

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We are finally going to look for my dad! YAY! That sofa bed wasn't too comfortable.

"Just be careful!" shouted Vapor's mum.

"We will!" Vapor shouted back.

"You have a nice mum." said June.


They had their mountain backpacks on, full and clean. They were walking down the path that they did before.

"So... Where are we going?" asked June.

"To the market. That's where all the big vans and trucks come."

"So people with different eye colours do get to go to other cities?"

"Only four people. Each city sells something. The Green-eyed City is famous for their vegetables and fruits. The Blue-eyed CIty for their clean fresh water, and fish. The Grey-eyed City for their electronics and speed. And the Brown-eyed City for their gold and heat or light."

"How often do they go round?"

"Every 4 months."


"Yeah, very." Vapor rolled his eyes.

It's like he's annoyed with me, but I am the one that's annoyed with him.

》《 》《 》《 》《

June and Vapor were on the bus, nearly at the markets.

"How are we going to be able to know where he is?" asked June.

I am so nervous right now. What if I find my dad? I don't even know what I would like to say to him...

"Haven't you noticed yet?" asked Vapor.

"Noticed what?"

"That the guards in every city wear the colour of their cities name? And so the truck or van is also the same colour, so people will know that that is the one which sells vegetables and fruit."

"Oh, right. I noticed, I just can't think straight."

"You nervous?"

No. I am jolly happy right now.

"Yes I am nervous." Her foot tapping on the bus floor.

"Don't be. Everything will be over in a blink of an eye, which is approximately 0.1 to 0.4 seconds."


The bus stopped.

"This is our stop." said Vapor, getting up from a seat, followed by June.

When they stepped out of the bus, the door shut faster than a quick breath, and the bus went down the road twice the speed.

In front of them were markets. Shops that were colour coded as their city. Each one of the buildings were as big as the poor Green-eyed City town.

"Those are huge. How are we suppose to find him?" said June.

"Well, we get to the Green Shop Market, then look for a truck, and ask someone."

"This better work. And make sure that I wont get lost, please."

"Don't worry, I will." and he walked forward.

I'm gonna get lost.

June decided to follow Vapor from behind. She thought that if he's in front of her, she wont lose him.

Vapor made his way down the middle road, the Brown-eyed City Market on the right and the Grey-eyed City Market on the left. Blue guards guarding the shops.

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