Sing Song

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Kyungsoo's POV

My favorite subject in school is Arts, Physical education and Music because during these subjects we get to be with our hyungs. Plus, it takes the whole second period class and we don't even do that much because class A students are usually knows how to play one or two instruments already. In arts we could pretend we were drawing or painting. While on PE we get to play the sports we like. It's like free time for us.

Since it is Tuesday we have music. We all headed to the music room after lunch. The music room is like a mini auditorium which has a stage and chairs like in the theater. At the back of the stage you can see every instrument in the world.

As we walk in we saw the instruments at the stage, I know what we will do today. Mr. Shin our music teacher always does this, he ask some of us to play one instrument for the whole time of the class. It is pretty boring. We already know what each people can play because we have been classmates for years. I hope he ask the new kids.

We sat at the right side of the music room a little far from the other students who occupy three rows in front. We planned to just hide ourselves at the back because Kris hyung and Tao hyung wants to sleep. Plus, Kiara, Luhan hyung and I are not in the mood to sing today.

"Good day my dear students. Today I want to hear your voices. But since I have heard almost all of you I will just call on my favorites and the new students." The teacher said. I groan silently he meant us by favorites. I don't really want to sing or perform today.

"Shall we start? May I call on the stage..." he looks at the students in front. "... The new student Chanyeol!" almost everyone clapped especially the girls. He has gained a lot of fangirls ever since he started studying here. I glance at Molly she is clapping also beside her is Sehun looking annoyed.

Chanyeol went up to the stage smiling he even bowed to the students clapping on him. Then he took a guitar and he sits on a stool. He bowed once again after he checks the tune of the guitar. I turn to look at the rest of our group at the row above us. I am surprised that Luhan hyung is also clapping, beside him is Tao hyung who is not interested and positioning himself to sleeping position. While Kiara looks interested and watching Chanyeol on stage. Kris hyung on the other hand is just watching with a black expression. "Let's see what he can do." I heard Sehun said as Chanyeol 's face turned serious and starts to strum the guitar. He plays the guitar well on my opinion but what about his voice? Then he start to sing

"When you were here before

Couldn't look you in the eye

You're just like an angel

Your skin makes me cry

You float like a feather

In a beautiful world...

I notice that he is always catching a glimpse at our direction as he sings. I saw Molly turned her head to look at Kiara and then she smiled. Kiara just rolled her eyes and rest her head to Kris hyungs shoulders but she didn't stop watching Chanyeol perform.

... But I'm a creep

I'm a weirdo

What the hell am I doing here?

I don't belong here

She's running out again

She's running out

She run, run, run run


Whatever makes you happy

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