Chapter 24

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Another inn and, again, Detlef and Flora pretending to be husband and wife so as not to arouse any suspicions. This time, Herta would not be Flora's sister. She had her own fictitious spouse: Adalberht. Obviously, it was the latter who took upon him the task of explaining it to the innkeeper, since Detlef was not in the mood, not even to pretend he was married to Flora.

Once alone, the women went to one room and the men to the other one.

Flora had not spoken in the last hour and a half.

'I've been totally irresponsible, Herta. I'm so sorry. I've put you all in danger with my showing-off.'

'What are you talking about?'

'I shouldn't have boasted about my use of herbs in front of the Enbojups. Now they'll accuse me of being a witch and you will be involved.'

It hadn't occurred to Herta to consider what had happened from that point of view.

'They probably won't bother,' she said to calm her down. 'And, anyway, we'll soon be gone from here. In a couple of days. You heard Adalberht. Maybe they'll still be writhing in agony when we leave.'

The dark-haired girl would have liked to smile at her friend's joke, but she was truly worried.

'Will you go with him?'

Herta looked at her confused.

'No! I mean, we all will! Besides, what other options do we have at the moment?'

'Herta, Adalberht loves you. One way or another, you'll make it work and you will be together... forever. But I... Well, you've seen how Detlef and I get along. I should leave now, before I ruin your life too.'

'Don't be silly! You were angry. You would have yelled at anyone that happened to be near you. And what happened? Nothing! Detlef is still with us, just as you are going to be, and problem solved. Let's keep our strength and our rage for when we really need it. Like today, in the cabin. You were great.'

'You really think so?'

'Of course! I'm so proud of you. Thank you for my part of the revenge.'

Now Flora did smile.

'Perhaps it was a little too much.'

'Oh no, no, no. Not at all. If what you did to them is only going to cause them stomachache for a few days, they should be grateful that I don't have your powers.'

Flora laughed.

'What would you have done?'

'I don't know, but it would certainly not have been milder.'

Flora stared at the ceiling, yellowy in the light of the candles, from the bed where she was lying.

'You know what really bothers me? That doing this, using my skills... what I learned, I should say, for revenge does not make me very different from my mother. In fact, it helps me to understand her actions a little better.'

'Your mother acts out of a desire for revenge?'

Herta's question forced her to look back and try to consider and analyze a lot of things.

'She has sometimes.'

'But not now. Not with you or Adalberht. Or Detlef. That was not revenge. She acted out of self-interest.'

'Yes, you're right. And with you too. It's true. I shouldn't have let today's events affect me so much.'

'I agree. And, please, don't stop making the most of your skills. I'm sure they will be useful to us in the future again. Is that horses I hear?' She added after a pause.

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