Chapter 3:Gold Token

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It was in the middle of June when our department luckily got Claudia Greene as the next model of a very large clothing company in Canada. Honestly, I didn't know her. I never saw her on a commercial or something. But her acceptance to the propose project made Mr. Morgan squeal in delight. Maybe she's really that famous.

A distinct cough gained everyone's attention from a busy working hour. "Everyone, I would like you to congratulate yourself for our latest accepted proposal." He said feeling proudly. A loud cheer erupted and Megan clapped her hands, all of her teeth showing because of the smile. I felt happy too. I was the one who made the proposal for Claudia Greene after all.

"So listen up. Tonight we're having a party at Stan's!" He shouted so anyone could hear. Stan's? Whoa. Even our hang out place leveled up this time.

"Mr. Davidson gave each one of us a pass for the elite club for a congratulatory. So pack up guys! We'll all have a long night!" Another cheer erupted. Well, this may be good. I hope I would lose some nerves and stress in that club.

I stood beside the one of the bars dumb-founded. I never thought that this elite club would this be elite! There were chandeliers everywhere. Poker tables, a big bar with a huge collection of drinks from champagne to Jack Daniel's.

Megan and my other office workers found their way through the club. Obviously it was their first time too. I stood awkwardly beside the bar, and I realized that it would become more awkward if I remained standing. I wander around, looking for familiar places. No one catches my eyes. Suddenly I girl in a red blazer, black slacks and high ponytail catches my attention. Wait, her outfit was really the same as my beloved friend, Jill. I recalled her way back when she was at my apartment for a slumber party and that was her outfit when she came home from work. She must be working here. I roamed around, I was a few steps away from an overlarge poker table with high stools, when cold hands grabbed my neck.

Thankfully I was not a ticklish person, and there was only one person that would grab my nape in the whole world. I turned to face Jill, and she was already beaming at me.

"Veronica!" She grinned, trying to make her voice louder so could hear her despite of the loud music. She was a beautiful girl, in a simple way. Bright blue eyes with a jet black hair done into a high ponytail. She wore the same dress that a girl was wearing a while ago.

"You're working here, Jill?" I asked her while placing a loosen hair behind her ear. I missed this girl.

"Yeah, I was just transferred here last week. Oh God, Ron what the hell happened to you?" She asked, frowning. She held my shoulders in an arm's length and studied me from head to foot. Isn't it obvious? I thought to myself. Well, I don't want to talk about it right now. I just frowned and stare to my feet. Jill lightly shook me and as I looked up to her, I can see friendly concern in those huge blue baby eyes. Instead of interviewing me in the middle of the floor, she gently tugged me into a corner with fewer people. I realized it was a bar. Again. How many bars does this place have?

I sat on one of the bus while Jill ordered us something to drink. A threw a quick glance at the surrounding. There were a lot of people chatting to each other, each was sell dressed in tux and in cocktail dresses. I definitely wore the wrong attire. Jill pushed something cold to my cheeks and I gave her a small, sad smile. She frowned. "Hey, what's the matter?" She asked softly. I turned my gaze down to my knotted finger, trying to blink away the tears that threaten to roll down my cheeks.

"Bryan broke up with me." I said quietly, and I heard Jill gasped. I looked at her and I can see disappointment in her eyes too.

"He knocked up Mickey." I continued when she didn't respond.

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