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Four years had passed since his first flight but the novelty of airplane travel still hadn't worn off. Growing up poor and subsequently tethered to a small, rural town in Iowa meant never having been on an airplane before he met the first alpha willing to take care of him. Despite the countless flights over the past few years, he still enjoyed the window seat more than anything, enjoyed looking out at the crawling city as it turned smaller and smaller.

It was a three-hour flight, nonstop, no connections, which was a relief. Harry was excited, as were a fair amount of other passengers, mostly families with younger kids. It was around the time for spring break, when escaping the cold clutches of a northern winter was most desirable, for the sake of enjoying a week or two in Florida's sun.

He fiddled with a phone a bit and tried to take a nap to pass the time, but mostly he stared out the window at the receding earth and then the cumulonimbus clouds, the kind that were always in the distance of a bright blue sky on a perfect day, which looked like cotton balls.

Somewhere at Southwest Florida International Airport, an alpha would be waiting for him to bring him to his extravagant beachside mansion. Harry had never even heard his voice before, on the phone or otherwise, though they had shared a few texts over the past week, mostly figuring out the flight arrangement and payment options. The alpha had transferred enough money into Harry's bank account to fly first class and then some, but he diligently decided to save it since flying commercial never really bothered him anyways.

So he didn't know much about this Louis Tomlinson guy, and Harry would never be doing this unless the alpha knew someone Harry trusted more than anything, like Niall. So here he was, already on a plane to Florida, about to spend his week in bed with an alpha, hopefully with a bit of time to explore the beach and go shopping too, because, god, he deserved it.

Realistically, he had no idea what to expect, because everyone was different, but he had done this sort of thing before with other alphas so he could make some guesses on what his week would entail. Sunblock massages, private beach sex, sunset cruises, and being shown off and paraded around at dinner parties. He would have to be adamant about the alpha taking him shopping, or else it would never happen.

By the time the plane landed he was vibrating with a kind of excitement that probably annoyed the business-like beta who had been sitting next to him the entire flight. He was a cute alpha, with an attractive face and body, but Harry wasn't going to waste his time because they were flying commercial which was an indicator of wealth, or lack thereof. It was a shame.

Even stepping into the air-conditioned airport, the climate felt different, warmer. The sun was out, because it was Florida, the sunshine state, and the people waiting in line at security were pleasantly sunburnt and sated.

He felt proud walking through the airport with the strap of his carry-on hanging loosely over his shoulder, a YSL duffle that he had lusted over for weeks until one of his alphas finally bought it for him. Even waiting a long time for his luggage wasn't as annoying as it usually was. Everything felt new and bright and exciting.

As soon as he retrieved his bags, he checked his phone to find the alpha had just texted him to say he just pulled into the pick-up area. Perfect timing. Harry couldn't help but smirk to himself as he walked through the airport in confident strides, stepping out into the warm Florida air.

He spotted the car almost immediately, because Louis had sent a picture of it a few hours ago so he would know what to look for. It was sleek and white and not too showy, but definitely a luxury vehicle. Harry was no stranger to expensive things, not anymore at least, so he didn't let it intimidate him. He kept a casual air of haughtiness, so people would take him seriously. As an omega, it was definitely difficult to get people to take him seriously.

The car door opened and Louis stepped out, which Harry wasn't expecting. Just then, the breeze blew at exactly the right time, in the right direction. Harry caught a breath of his scent, yummy alpha smell tickling his nose. He was shocked by how good it smelled, because yeah, alphas smelled good to his omega nose but none of them smelled like that. Jesus Christ.

"Hello," Harry said with a smile, drawing out the syllables in a singsongy way. His bag was digging into his shoulder but he ignored it, leaning in for a hug when Louis opened his arms.

"Good flight? Everything went smoothly?"

His voice was higher than Harry expected, soft and wispy and he fell in love with it immediately.

"Yes, yeah, I'm excited to be on the ground again," he said, just to say something, even though he had no idea why he said those words exactly, because he loved airplanes and flying and all of that. He suddenly felt very frazzled and none of the current situation was helping. Louis was even more gorgeous than in his Instagram photos and he smelled so good, Harry was going to die.

Calm down, he reprimanded himself, handing over his bags to let Louis set them in the trunk of the car. He was getting way ahead of himself. They were about to spend the entire week together. Harry would be getting exactly what he wanted, very soon. He just had to act like a normal omega for the drive to the house and maybe for a glass of wine, and then he could melt into Louis' touch and be as desperate for him as he wanted to be. That was what he was here for, anyway.

He took the passenger's seat as Louis got behind the wheel again, and once the doors were closed the scent of alpha became so overpowering without the breeze to dilute it and Harry had to try very hard not to get slick.

They ended up making small talk for the entirety of the ride to the beach house, and Harry quickly found that Louis was funny and easy to talk to. He pointed out landmarks and locations, telling Harry a little bit about the place after asking him if he'd ever been in the area before, which he hadn't. It was a forty-five minute drive but it passed by quickly in a blur of palm trees and traffic, the windows rolled down slightly and the warm Florida breeze brushing up against their skin.

Harry knew they were just dancing around the reason why they were both here, and he couldn't wait for them to arrive at the house because then they would really be able to get to know each other. For the first time ever, Harry was actually excited to touch and be touched by this alpha. He couldn't believe how lucky he'd gotten, knowing many of his omega friends who were also in the sugar bowl would be incredibly jealous of him right now.

"Have you had dinner yet?"

Harry shook his head, smiling apologetically.

"No worries, it's a bit late now but I'm sure we can find something. Any preferences?"

"Your choice," Harry said. "Where do you like to eat?" It would be a good test to see if Louis was sugar daddy material. If he chose a cheap place, Harry would run for the hills.

"It'll be a surprise, then. Not really wearing the proper attire but they shouldn't mind."

Harry smiled secretly to himself, facing away from Louis so he wouldn't see. He was so excited, butterflies were fluttering in his belly. If he allowed himself to admit it, he liked Louis a lot already. Never having felt this before for a potential sugar daddy, Harry wasn't sure how to deal with it.

He decided it was best to just enjoy this now and figure the rest out later. This was a vacation first and foremost, after all. The days ahead promised beach days and lots of sex with an alpha who made him feel warm inside. Not much in the world was better than that.

pretty please (with sugar on top) - larry stylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now