Chapter 8

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"Summer shift now." The bunny- er Jungkook demanded. Summer sat down and shifted into a white bunny that matched Jungkooks.

"Oh come on!!" Yoongi yelled, "I had to keep this a secret for 2 fucking weeks and then you just go and expose your secret like it's nothing!! Like come on!!"

"You knew!?" Jimin said glaring at Yoongi.

"Uhhh." Yoongi ran behind Jeongguk just as Jimin started advancing towards him. Jeongguk now going into protective boyfriend mode pressed a button on his glove, making a small needle pop out from the glove.

Jeongguk stabbed the needle into his arm, injecting the medication that let him shift again, into his arm. Just as Jimin was about to reach them Jeongguk shifted into a wolf, growling at Jimin.

Jimin skidded to a stop and put his hands up slowly backing away. "H-hey now, just calm down."

Jeongguk growled and pushed Jimin back making him fall into the arms of Hoseok. Jeongguk turned back around and nuzzled his head against Yoongi's leg, making Yoongi sit on the floor to play with him.

While this was happening Jin was slowly walking towards the pair of bunnies. Summer, who was more shy in bunny form, noticed Jin and whimpered.

Jungkook, the bunny, and Taeyeon both looked over at Jin. Jungkook being the closer to Jin shifted from a bunny into a dog, and growled at Jin.

Taeyeon walked over to Kook and Summer and picked up both of them. Once Taeyeon had them in her arms Jungkook turned back into a bunny.

"Ok what the fuck is going on!???!!" Taehyung yelled making everyone stop what they were doing.

Jungkook hopped out of Taeyeon's arms, grabbed his clothes with his teeth, before hopping behind the ring. He shifted and put on his clothes. He walked over to Taeyeon and took Summer, who was still a bunny, into his arms.

"This is Summer shes my daughter. My girlfriend drugged me and got herself pregnant. Summer was born when I was 18. Summers mom abused her so I killed her. When Summer was 1 Taeyeon took her to the states so our enemies in Korea couldn't use Summer against us. They come back once a year and stay for a week. Taeyeon is our younger sister. She's younger than us by 1 year so she's 21 now. And she was 18 when she took Summer to the states."

"Taeyeon, Jeongguk, and I are shape shifters. Meaning we can shift into anything. Us three can't control our powers when we show emotions so we turn off our emotions. However since Summers mom wasn't a shapeshifter she can control her powers no matter what, meaning she can show emotions. Now is there any other questions?"

"Well why were you showing emotions earlier and not shifting?" Jin said.

"I managed to create a pill that will prevent us from shifting for 12 hours, letting us show emotions. The only way to cancel out the pill is to either wait for the 12 hours to be done, or use a medication I made that les us shift, which is what Jeongguk did when he stabbed himself with that needle, or when we get scared. Like when Jin scared me it canceled out the effects of the pill letting me shift. But if I wasn't showing emotions before I got scared I could have controlled it and not shifted but since I was showing emotions I did shift."

"What things do you shift into when you show emotions?" Jimin said.

"Scared/afraid: bunny with white eyes
Angry: Alpha wolf with red eyes
Sad: blue eyes
Happy: Dog with yellow eyes
Has a crush: baby otter with dark pink eyes
Love: dark pink eyes
Shy/embarrassed: bunny with baby pink eyes
Disgusted: green eyes
Lust: black eyes
Shocked: purple eyes."

"That's also why Summer tried to hurt you Jin. You scared Jungkook, making him turn into a bunny and that made Summer mad. You're just lucky that she hadn't shifted into like a lion or something." Taeyeon said laughing.

"Oh and that reminds me," Jungkook said reaching behind him and grabbing 4 knifes. He quickly threw them toward to where there was one knife on the left side of each of the inner circles heads. "If you go anywhere near our sister I will personal feed you your eyes."

If the knives hadn't scared the men enough the way Jungkook smiled after he threatened them did.

"Hey boss, I was wondering what my next target wa-" The girl stopped talking after she walked into the room and made eye contact with Taeyeon.

"Uh, Jungkook this is our best assassin here. Her name is Amber. She's been on a mission in China while you have been here." Taehyung said turning to look at Jungkook.

Jungkook however was smirking while looking in between Taeyeon and Amber. Slowly and quietly so as not to be detected, Jungkook moved to where he was behind Amber. Jungkook looked up and exchanged glances with his sister, who started to rapidly shake her head.

Jungkook have his daughter, who had shifted back, to Taehyung making sure she was wrapped up in her jacket.

"H-hey, I'm Amber what's your name?" Amber said walking towards Taeyeon with Jungkook following behind her who still remained unknown to Amber. Once Amber had stopped in front of Taeyeon, Jungkook pushed her forward making her fall into Taeyeon, making the two kiss.

"SHIPPPPP!!!" Yelled Jungkook.

"Hey I thought you said you would hurt anyone who went near your sister?" Jin said.

"No, I said I would hurt you 4 if you went near my sister."

"Jungkook!! I'm going to kill you!!" Taeyeon said getting up from the ground. "You'll have to catch me first!"

(Remember Taeyeon hasn't changed since they got there so she still has on her outfit and gloves)

Jungkook sprinted to the table that was next to the ring and grabbed his gloves. He never went anywhere without them. He pulled them on and jumped up sticking his hands on the ceiling, Taeyeon doing the same right after.

"W-who are they?" Amber said finally getting off the floor and walking over to Taehyung.

"Well the boy that's on the ceiling is Jungkook or JK the assassin, the girl who is chasing him is Taeyeon his younger sister, who is TY the assassin from America. The girl in my arms is Jungkooks 4 year old daughter Summer, who might I add already goes on missions. Her assassin name is SM, though she's not an assassin yet. And the boy over there that is cuddling with Yoongi is Jungkooks twin brother Jeongguk, or the assassin named JG from Busan."

"Wasn't Yoongi cuddling with a lion when I walked in?"

"Well...." Taehyung spent the next 40 minutes explaining everything he learned about the Jeons, including Jungkook shooting Summer's mother and that the all 4 are shapeshifters. With the siblings not being able to control their powers when they show emotion, and Summer able to control her powers and show emotion. Amber also found out about the medication, and equipment Jungkook made.

It literally took me 5 minutes just to pick a name for The Kims best assassin before finally picking Amber.
Also are y'all confused? Cause I think I confused myself. If y'all have questions about the Jeons just ask and I'll answer them the best I can without confusing you. Bye Lovlies!!!

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