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He'd never seen Candice sleep before. He'd maybe seen her doze off at work on one of her heavy days, but he'd never seen her actually close her eyes, lie down, and sleep. That actually didn't seem at all like what she was doing now.

Currently curled up in a small ball, Candice was shivering beneath that of an old gray scratchy blanket Jacque dug up from under the seats. Her arms were covering her face the same way a small kitten cowered in it's slumber—she looked as though she were having a horrible nightmare.

"She's going to get hurt." James' attention was beckoned by the skinny man in the pilot seat, hands gripping the worn away steering wheel so tightly that his knuckles were stark white. "She always does."

Angry. James thought he was angry. For what exactly, he was certainly unsure, but he could guess that it had something to do with him.

"I wouldn't hurt her."

"Forgive me if I don't believe you. The damaged ones always cause the most pain. I would know, I was one of them."

If Bucky had doubts about Jacque and Candice being an item prior to current events, he certainly didn't now. He seemed awfully protective of her and her wellbeing. Perhaps that was how all of her relationships were.

He'd only known her for about six months, and in those six months, she'd managed to make him forget exactly how much he didn't want to exist anymore. His will to live evolved into Candice Collins' smile. Her rigor and drive, her ability to empathize.

Bucky was not stupid. He knew that his brain had adapted into having at least one distraction, and she'd been the first one in a very long time to give him any sort of affection. A younger version of himself would have kicked him for his tenderness, but in all honesty, she wasn't the first person to make him soft with just a look.

Steve had always been his weakness. There were times when he could remember (and he really didn't want to remember) when he was being controlled, his mind held captive. And in his greatest moments of clarity, he thought of his best friend. That kid who used to pick fights with the biggest bullies and lose. The kid who wanted nothing more than to fight because all he had was his determination.

He would think of Steve and immediately shut down.

He did it often. He had to be reset each time. And with each time that they put his brain back in the blender, he lost a little bit of himself.

Candice made him remember who he was. Just as Steve had. She saved him. Just as he had when no one else had faith or promise in him.

He owed his life to her.

"I'm grateful." He didn't want to seem like he wasn't appreciative for everything he was given over the past few hours. Days. Months. Chance after chance, even when he lost control in front of her, she still gave him a fighting chance of freedom and survival.

Jacque was still ridden with silence. The things he'd done that she'd forgiven. The heart he'd broken still loved him. "Like family" she said.


They were each other's family. More than (or less than if that seemed more comforting), once upon a time. Jäger brought them together as friends and for a fraction of a moment as lovers.

Nineteen, brunette, a pretty please and thank you sort of grin on her lips at all times. Smarter than all the other Brights, she was one of six Americans in the program. He was her assigned Flight.

He took advantage of her kindness and affection, he hurt her bad and still she loved him like no other. Even after he took the one thing from her that he could never give back.

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