Chapter 6: You don't need to accept me

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Professor Heidi completed grading the Princesses' competency tests while waiting for them at the reception hall. She thought, "Hmm... it's almost time to meet up with the four Princesses. I do wonder, all the Princesses show up?"


Leonora was sitting on a swing that hung against the flower arch. She thought, "That little runt of a mentor must he all done with her interviews by now. Well, after we all give her a proper snub, she will be shipped out like all the others." At that moment, Princess Brunia was running through the palace gardens in a hurry for the first official appointment with the new imperial mentor. As she ran, she said to herself, "Blast it! Only nine minutes left!" She stopped to see Leonora sitting on the swing, preoccupied deeply in her own feelings. Brunia called out, "Leonora? Leonora!? What on earth are you doing here? In eight minutes, the mistress's first official lesson will commence. If there's a woman who doesn't tolerate tardiness, it's the mistress." Leonora wondered and inquired, "Mistress? You have a mistress? Brunia answered, "Why, Professor Heidi, of course!"

Leonora gasped and asked in exudation, "What?! You have got to be joking, right? You despised her earlier! You said you will never accept her!" Brunia acknowledged, "Then I must eat my words, sister! I was a fool! Spending time with mistress has opened my eyes! I've never seen such brilliance before!" Leonora's expression darkened, and she yelled, "WHAT!? You betrayed me, Brunia!" Brunia countered the argument by saying, "Leonora, please! Mistress is a gifted mentor, yet she's a humble woman of great character. You should also--" Leonora interrupted Brunia by getting up from the swing and yelling, "I won't accept her! I will never take her as my teacher! Not now, and not ever!" She fled away from the gardens as fast as she could with Brunia screaming, "Wait, Leonora, come back!" Brunia looked at her pocket watch and said, "Ugh!! Still, eight minutes left! Wait... no! That can't be right! Oh my god! MY POCKET WATCH STOPPED WORKING!"


As the clock was ticking, Heidi thought, "Three minutes left." A few moments later, there was a knock at the door. Brunia came running out and bowed in front of Professor Heidi saying, "Mistress! I'm terribly sorry for arriving late!" Professor Heidi answered, "There's no need to be sorry, Princess. It's still not yet four o'clock. Brunia responded, "No! I assumed that it was fundamental to be at least ten minutes early for my mistress's very first lesson!" Professor Heidi countered, "As we discussed earlier, please stop calling me mistress. Especially in front of your sisters, it's embarrassing!" Brunia again bowed in front of the Professor and promised, "F-Forgive my blunder! Mistress... I mean, Professor! I will be sure to call you Professor, henceforth." Suddenly, Licha entered the room greeting playfully, "Yoo-ho! Heidi darling!" Brunia screamed in disbelief, "Wait! Heidi darling!?" She approached the Professor and spoke, "Thanks for entertaining my boyfriends earlier. They say hi!" Brunia yelled, "Excuse me!? Why are you talking so impolitely to Mis... I mean, the Professor?!" Licha responded in a calm voice, "Aw, who cares? You're so rigid, Brunie."

Brunia held Licha's shoulders tightly and continued yelling, "You will respect Mis... I mean the Professor! Even if Mis... the Professor doesn't chide you for it!" Licha asked politely, "Like, what's this mistress, mistress thing about?" She sidled over to the Professor's side while extending her arm across the Professor's shoulders, speaking, "But you love pet names, right? For instance, Heidi darling! It's your favorite one of all! YAY!" Professor Heidi swatted away Licha's hand without a word, whereas Brunia shrieked, "You know what you are? You're rude! And I envy you!" Professor Heidi said with expressing any emotion, "Princess Brunia, I do not mind if you speak to me informally. You are all of a much higher station than myself. But Princess Licha, would you please kindly stop putting your arm around me? I'd like to build a bond of trust with you, as merely a teacher and her students. With that said... you must not invade my personal space."

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