•Proverbs 3:3-5•

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   Proverbs 3:3-5: "3 Never let go of loyalty and faithfulness. Tie them around your neck; write them on your heart. 4 If you do this, both God and people will be pleased with you. 5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Never rely on what you think you know."
      {•Half Edited•}
                        ~Davina's POV~

         Laying down in my room with my books in front of me I've never felt so bored in my life. It's been two months of attending college in my hometown and I'm counting down the days until I get a break. I've been able to stay on top of my stuff and understand the lessons, but it's too hectic for my brain to handle. The only thing keeping me together mentally is the fact that I know Princess can't handle stress like this, she makes me feel better about myself.
       Today's my birthday but we aren't celebrating until tomorrow night. My brother is working late, Livvi is working overtime to finish an article, and I'm too tired. I've nearly fallen sleep twice today at very inappropriate times; once in the middle of a lecture and the second when my English Professor was talking to me.
      My phone starts ringing beside my head on the pillow. I grab it irritatedly, not in the mood to have a conversation with anyone. When I see the contact name...I guess there's one person I would have a conversation with. I press answer and put it on speaker.
    "Hello?" I say, hearing nothing but noise in the background.
    "Hey," Sin says, his voice coming onto the other line within a few long seconds. A smile spreads across my face at the sound of his voice. "Happy birthday."
"Thank you," I reply, my voice not covering up how exhausted I am. I can hear Emmy talking about something in the background, making me smile even more. "Can you put me on speaker?" I ask.
"Sure." I can hear a small change on the other line when he puts me on speaker. I can hear Emmy perfectly now; she's just rambling about random stuff, probably playing with dolls. "How was your day?" He asks.
"Tiring. I had to take a few tests," I say. "How has everything been over there?" I ask, feeling my chest tighten. It's not because I'm sad, but because it makes me nervous. I thought maybe if we had sex before I left he wouldn't cheat, but I'm not one hundred percent sure. For all I know he could have jumped out of bed with another girl before calling me. I hate myself for thinking that, but I can't help it.
"Everything at the house has been good, a little chaotic, but good. It's more lonely here without you," he says. My face heats up at his words, but it doesn't distract me from why I asked that. I wish I could be straight up and ask him if he was messing around with other girls, but he could easily lie and I'd look bad.
"Can I talk to her?" I hear Emmy ask her dad. He just chuckles, knowing I can hear her whether his answer is yes or not.
"Hi!" I say, making sure to sound more cheerful. The papers and textbooks on my bed are now long forgotten when she starts telling me about how school has been. She tells me about her two new friends, one girl and one boy; Sin is not very happy about that. She likes her teacher and is excited about going to school every day just like I was expecting she would. She's a very sociable person, I had no doubt she would make friends right off the bat.
"Tell her goodnight," he tells her softly. I love his voice when he speaks to her, it's different from how it is with everyone else. She does as told, sounding disappointed to have to go to sleep, but still has cheerful as ever. He tells me he'll call me back before hanging up. I set my phone and down and clean up my bed.
I set all my text books in order on my desk, knowing it will drive me crazy if they're not. Putting all my pencils in my pencil case that's connected to my binder, I make sure to put all the led all the way down on the mechanical ones so they don't break.
Just as I pull my pajamas out of my dresser my phone starts going off again. I let go for a few seconds while putting on the top before grabbing it.
"She asleep?" I ask.
"Yeah," he answers, the sound of a door clicking shut behind him. Sitting down on the edge of my bed, I check the time. I haven't been up past ten since I moved back and it's already eleven; no wonder I'm so tired. I've always l mistakenly fallen into schedules that eventually bite me in the ass. "What did you do for your birthday?" He asks.
"Nothing, no one was home today. I made myself dinner, so that was nice," I say. He sighs loudly, the sound of the bed moving mixing with it.
    "I knew I should have went over there and stole you away," he says. I'm surprised he didn't. When we were messaging last night he was seriously considering it. It sounded appealing until I remembered that Xavier would flip his lid. "I'm sorry you didn't do anything fun."
    "I did. I made myself dinner, they don't let me cook here," I say with a laugh. It sounds like a joke, but I'm also being serious. My brother and Liv don't "trust me in the kitchen." I'll admit that before my stay at Sin's I was horrible cook, but I think playing mom gave me some actual mom skills. Emmy and Sin always ate what I made and never complained, so it can't be that bad.
      "Yeah, but it's your eighteenth. You're an adult now," he says. Just knowing I'm of legal age now takes a few bricks off my shoulders when I think of our relationship. We won't have to lie to bystanders anymore who question our status. Sure, people will open their mouths up about the difference but it doesn't bother me. As long he stays loyal and treats me right his age is just a number and it's not even that much. My brother is just overreacting when he says I'm dating someone "waaayyy" older than me. "When are you planning to come down?"
"When do you think is best?" I have a three day weekend for Halloween and a whole week off two weeks later for Thanksgiving. I don't know how Thanksgiving would pass with my brother, but it's worth a shot.
"Emmy kind of has her heart set on you doing her makeup for Halloween," he tells me. I giggle, remembering that promise I made her. Sin showed me pictures of her from last years Halloween when he tried doing butterfly makeup on her, and I knew I had to step in when I seen how bad it was. "I wish you were here all the time."
"So do I, but two weeks isn't gonna be too bad," I tell him. Actually, it's probably gonna be horrible. It's not long, but it's gonna drag on.
"Still too long." I scoot further up my bed, bringing my legs up to my chest. "What are you doing right now?" Wishing I was there.
"Laying down in bed." The sound of a car speeding by comes through my open window, reminding me to close it the next time I get up. "What about you?" This whole long distance thing isn't working for me the way I hoped it would. Being there, there was always something to talk about but now it's the same thing every day.
"Thinking about you," he says, his voice husky. My breath gets caught in my throat while my stomach does a flip. I know where this will lead if I add to what he said, so I stay quiet. I want to keep him entertained the best I can, but I'm not exactly suitable for phone sex. I'm hardly suitable for regular sex. "What are you wearing?"
I look down at the t-shirt that used to be my brothers. After years of wearing it in, it has permanent stains in the white fabric and a rip at the bottom. There are reasons I only wear it to bed. My shorts are way too big for my body, if I got up they would fall unless I retie them in the back with a hair tie. Just lie.
"Just my bra and underwear. I was changing," I fib, hoping he'll believe me. Telling him the truth would put a damper on the mood I know he's in. It's terrible, but I feel that if I don't give him something he'll just turn to the first women who offers him sex.
"I haven't been able to stop thinking about you," he says, his voice more strained. I tense, knowing what's to come. Get out of your comfort zone, you little bitch. Extending my legs, I draw down the oversized shorts that I knew I shouldn't have gotten at the store yesterday. Princess said they would fit because "my butt has gotten bigger" but apparently she's wrong; it was nice to dream though. I toss them to the floor and lay back against my pillows.
My heart hammers in my chest, wondering if my mind is even where his is. I could be far off, maybe he's not even trying to start anything. But I know that voice and what it means. "I wish you were here right now." My face heats up even more. I'm scared I'll pass out from overheating, but I'm probably just being dramatic.
"Why?" I tease, attempting to make my voice sound as sensual as possible; instead, I sound like a freaking ghost. Why couldn't I have asked him some stupid questions to make conversations like if he believes pigs will one day fly; I don't freaking know. Someone might as well come paint my face as a clown now because that's exactly how I feel. Call me Bobo The Self-Humiliating Clown.
"So I could have you close to me; so I could touch you," he tells me. My stomach fills with butterflies. Even though this is uncomfortable, I can't help the way he's making me feel. "I've missed you so fucking much. Everything about you." His kind words turn me on more than his dirty ones.
     "I miss you too," is all I can think to say. If I were there this would be a lot easier. My hand reaches between my legs, my body tensing. I let out a shaky breath, my index finger just barely putting pressure on my clit.
     "Are you touching yourself?" He asks, noticing my change in breathing. My movements pause, feeling as if I've been cause in person.
    "I-I thought you were too," I say nervously. He chuckles; I can picture the smile that must be on his face.
    "I wasn't, but I was aiming for it," he says. My eyes close in embarrassment. Hey, at least you weren't completely wrong. "I didn't know you touched yourself." I clear my throat, not sure what to do anymore.
    "T-this is the first time," I admit. I hear him start fiddling with his belt before it makes a 'clang' on the floor. Okay, so this is happening.
   "Did you stop?" He asks. I mumble a yes, pressing my thighs together. "Touch yourself again."
   "Listen to what I tell you unless you're gonna regret making plans to come here Halloween," he tells me before I can finish my objection. My curiosity as to what he'll do makes the idea of defying him tempting, but his words have already shot straight down to my core. "Touch yourself for me, Davina."
     I take in a sharp breath as I slip my fingers back inside my underwear and between my slit. I'm just as wet as I thought I was. He didn't even have to do much. Maybe it's just the idea of doing this on the phone that's turning me on.
     My fingers dance around my clit, teasing it like he has done before. Forcing my mind to stay on Sin, I imagine it's him instead my own fingers. His breathing on the other line turns ragged and deep. I put my phone on speaker and set it beside my head.
    "Did you listen?"
   "Yes, what?" His voice comes out in a way that tells that if I were there he would be distorting me; gosh, I wish I was there. My fingers brush against my swollen clit, my leg twitching.
    "Yes, Daddy." My mind takes me to what he must look like right now. Laying down, tattooed hand wrapped around his hard shaft, eyes probably closed like my own. The more I think about it the more I wish I just there to do it myself. I've never thought this way before, it's an interesting change.
    "What are you thinking about?"
    "You," I say, suddenly confident in myself. "I wish this were you instead. I'm so wet." My megs spread further apart, my muscles tightening. My brows pull together at the front. Talking to him like this is much more comfortable when you aren't face to face.
     "Mmm, fuck, Davina," he says, sounding as if his teeth are clenched. My mouth falls open in a "O" shape, feeling myself get more sensitive the closer I get to my orgasm. "I want to you fucking so much."
"I'm close," I tell him, wanting to stop my movements but not letting myself. My hips move just a little bit with my fingers strokes. It feels like my body is on fire, but it's still nothing compared to actually being with him.
"Davina," he moans my name as I assume he reaches his climax. The sound alone is enough to make me slip over the edge, my clit too sensitive for me to continue touching it as I ride out my orgasm. My breaths are loud and heavy, eyes focused on my ceiling. "That was fun."
"Yeah," I laugh, now shocked with myself. Phone sex is something Princess has brought up to me before when her and her ex tried it, and I had thought she was insane. I even listed off reasons why she shouldn't have participated, now here I am with a big, goofy, self-satisfied grin on my face.
Thanks to what just went down, I'm even more tired than before; my body completely spent from the day. My eyes flutter closed, burning from exhaustion. Knowing that if I don't hang up I'll fall asleep with him on the line, I grab my phone and take it off speaker.
"I'm tired," I tell him.
"Happy to know I can wear you out even from a distance." I roll my eyes, sitting up. "You should get some sleep, baby. I'll text you in the morning." Now I can't help but wonder what he'll be doing tomorrow. He only texts when he's busy, so he'll probably be working or with people. The wheels in my head start turning and I'm wondering if he could be meeting up with a girl.
    "I love you," I tell him. I'm happy he doesn't hear all my worries and questions behind that.
    "I love you too. Happy birthday."

     AN: Calm chapter before we KICK it off again. Sorry for the delay, but my updates should be frequent again; I lost track of time and hadn't even realized it had been over two weeks. I really hope you guys enjoyed!
    Question: How do you feel about Sin?

 I really hope you guys enjoyed!     Question: How do you feel about Sin?

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