•Matthew 5:28•

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         Matthew 5:28- "But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart."


                         ~Davina's POV~

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                         ~Davina's POV~

           My heart pounds as I look at myself one more time in the mirror. My eyes are still tired, but that will fade the longer I stay up. Waking up at five-thirty to get ready wasn't as good of an idea as I thought. I don't even know why I'm paying so much attention to my appearance. Emmy is my only reason for going and that's it. Hopefully, this day goes by smoothly.
    My bag is packed with my necessities and pajamas for tonight. The thought of sleeping in that house makes me nervous. My brother has asked me over and over again if I'm still going for the holiday since I came back. Thankfully, he didn't ask for a full explanation, just that I tell him if something happened with Sin and I. When I admitted that something had there was no judgment, just him telling me he was there if I needed to talk.
      Princess is another one who tried talking me out of going. Every holiday I've spent the day at her house and then went back home at night to eat with my family. This is the first year since middle school that we're breaking the tradition. She wanted to lie and say she had too much work to go home for Thanksgiving anyways.
     I thought about staying but then Emmy would pop up in my head and so would feel guilty. She wants me there, I promised her I would come, so that is what I will do. It's going to be hard to act like everything is fine with Sin, maybe even like nothing happened, but I'll have to fight through. All this thinking is starting to hurt my head.
     My door opens, my brother popping his head in. His eyes are just as tired as I am. He didn't bother getting dressed for the drive, just threw on an old t-shirt and sweats with slippers. I look behind me at my bag, thinking this through one more time. You can't let Emmy down.
    "Are you ready to go?" He asks. I nod, grabbing my mascara and standing. "You look like a pumpkin."
   "Wow, thanks."

       Walking inside the house, I'm shocked to hear how loud it is

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       Walking inside the house, I'm shocked to hear how loud it is. Not once have I walked in here to hear so much. There are people carrying plates and some of the guys standing around talking. I close the door behind me as quietly as possible to keep from being noticed. Thankfully no one looks at me when I head towards the hall. The sound starts to fade the further down I get.
     Am I supposed to go to his room or the guest bedroom? I stop in my tracks and think about that one. Maybe I could just crash in Emmy's room for a little sleepover and sleep on the floor; yeah, that's what I'm gonna do.
    "DAVVY!" A high pitches, a cheerful voice says. I snap back to reality, looking to see Emmy jogging down the hall. I set down my bag and bend down to hug her. Her short arms wrap around my own. My mind takes me back to when I first came back for a break. She was so happy that I was staying for the week.
    "I missed you," I say, giving her a tight squeeze before releasing her. Her smile suddenly fades and her expression goes serious. "What's wrong?"
   "We gotta serious talk," she says, grabbing my hand. I grab my bag and let her lead me to her room. She sits me down on the edge of her bed with her, setting her stuffed rabbit on her lap. Her dress falls all the way down to her feet. It's not anything I've seen her in before, probably new for today. The very top has a thin line of thick lace and there are some layers of ruffles at the bottom as well. The brown-cream colored fabric compliments her naturally tanned skin.
    "What's serious?" I'm worried she's going to tell me something happened when I was gone. Did he have another girl around? Gosh, what if he's already resorted to sleeping with ransoms again? That's none of your concern anymore, girlie.
     "Daddy," she says. For a five-year-old, she knows how to build up suspense. I want to shake it out of her already, but I force myself to be patient with the kid. "There was a girl yesterday." Well shit.
   "Oh," I say, not sure what else to say. I'm not sure if it's appropriate for me to talk to her about this. She wouldn't be telling me if it wasn't something that worried her so I sit and listen to her as she tells me how the girl touched his arm "grossly." She also states how much I don't like other women looking at him, which she is one hundred percent correct about. "Daddy can have girls do that now."
     Saying that is like poison on my tongue. It makes me feel sick. I don't want any other girl laying their hands on Sin, but I ended things. He made his bed, he has to sleep in it whether that be by himself now or with others. It's none of my business. For all I know, this could be last time I ever come here again. Telling her this, my Emmy, brings a different kind of ache to my heart. She's shown me what it feels like have something to love and take care of and it feels like your very own. I'll admit that I've gotten attached to her and during my stay, I did see myself becoming a parental figure but that plan was ruined. I wouldn't be surprised if I missed her more than him.
"Why?" She asks, clearly confused. My throat tightens. It's not my place to tell her I broke up with Sin, that's his job. I hate that I was temporary in her life, but that's the way it played out.
"Just is." I get up, leaving my bag next to the bed. What am I supposed to do? There isn't any real purpose for me here other than keeping my promise to Emmy. It's only eleven, so I literally have the whole day. There's a part of me that wants to walk the halls and see if I bump into Sin, but I don't know if I could handle that. I'll see him eventually today, it's best if I put it off until the last minute.
I wonder who that girl was that was touching him "grossly." She said it was only his arm, not his chest or anything else, so that relaxes me a little. Why do you even need to be relaxed? Maybe she's someone he slept with during my time away and she wanted seconds...or thirds, I don't freaking know.
"Want to play dolls?" I ask, thinking of the first thing we could do to take my mind off of this.

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