•1 Peter 1:3•

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     1 Peter 1:3- "3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead..."  

                     ~Davina's POV~

          Walking down the stairs, I can feel my eyes start watering. Sin is leading the way down, standing straight and with authority. So many thoughts are running through my head. Will I feel the same around this tomorrow or in a week? Am I being rash? No, I need to get away and think until it's time to "reconsider."
       I haven't even seen Emmy yet and I'm starting to cry thinking of what to say. There is no way I can explain this right, he's going to have to help out. There is nothing I wish for more than this to have never happened.
     "What are we gonna tell her?" I ask. He stops at the end of the stairs. Turning around, the eye contact we make makes my heartache. This is the last time I'll see him until...I don't even know. A small, stupid part of me wants to come up with a date to see each other again but that will take away the whole purpose of leaving.
     "The truth?"
     "We can't do that," I tell him. "She'll ask why we broke up and-"
     "Not broken up, separated," he says. I sigh, not wanting to argue with him about this again.
    "You can't tell you cheated on me, she'd either hate you or not understand, then you'd have to make her understand that. I don't want her thinking of you differently because of me," I tell him, fiddling with my fingers. His eyes soften.
The sound of footsteps makes us end out conversation. I guess we'll figure it out in a few minutes. Kole walks in, hand tucked into the depths of his jean pockets. He stops at the foot of the stairs next to Sin, chewing on the inside of his cheek for a few seconds before speaking.
"Are you getting picked off or am I taking you?" He asks. For some reason, I wonder what he thinks of this whole situation. He's the only one of the guys in here that's ever talked to me since my first arrival and I'd like to think he considers me a friend. He seemed like he was defending Sin the day he dropped me off but did note he did fuck up.
"My brother is coming in a little bit," I answer. He nods, glancing at Sin with hardened eyes. Sin turns and starts walking towards the living room, his expression emotionless as he walks. I pray to God he doesn't shut down after I leave.
"I'll miss you around here. It's happened when you are," he says. I smile, agreeing that it's probably good for them to have at least one positive energy around. They all tend to stay away from Emmy; it must be why they're always so grumpy.
"I'll miss you too."
"Y-you have my number. Maybe we could meet up one day," he says, looking down at me with a shy smile. I'm not sure what his intentions are because of the way he said it could be taken one of two ways, but they've always been friendly. I don't see that randomly changing.
"That would be nice," I reply. Sin walks back over with Emmy at his side, her small hand holding his much bigger one. He makes her look so small whereas she's at my hip. The smile on her face fades when she sees my bag next to me. "I have to go again," I tell her, sitting down in the third step. She sits next to me, looking at me sadly while leaning against the wall. "This time it's-it's gonna be a long time until we see each other again."
I can feel my eyes start to tear up again. I don't want to cry about this in front of her. She can't know the whole situation and she'd see him differently I'm sure. She's young but too damn smart. She looks up at her dad in confusion, but he doesn't look her in the eyes. The guilt seems to be eating at him right now.
"Why?" I press my clammy hands together.
"Sometimes..." I trail off, not knowing what I was planning to start with. She can't know the truth, but I don't want to lie to her. The only in between I can find is beating around the bush. "Sometimes two people that were in a relationship need time apart. It might just be a little bit or for just a long time...or forever; you never know, it's just part of being an adult."
     I throw in that lasts part so that she hopefully doesn't try putting much thought into to. "I might never see you again?" She asks, tears forming in her bright eyes. My own tears slip at the sight of hers. Sin shifts, clearing his throat. My phone goes off in my pocket, but I don't answer it because I know it's my brother.
    "You'll see her again maybe one day," he tells her. "We still love each other very much and this is just what is good for us." I'm thankful he stepped in because the longer I look at her the more I become a mess.
    "I love you so much," I tell her. She practically jumps into my arms. I hold her close, giving her a tight squeeze. Sin paces around the empty space in front of the door. Knowing I can't keep Xavier waiting forever. "I need you to do me a huge favor. You're the only girl in the house, meaning it's your job to keep the men in line. Beat your dad a few times if you need. Can you do that for me?"
    Sin chuckles in his breath at my request. She nods with a prideful smile. "I'll miss you," she says, her voice having no joy in it at all. My heart wants to jump out of my chest and stay here while I leave.
    "I'll miss you a million times more."
                           ~Sin's POV~
        Walking down the hall, the house is silent. All the nights are off other than the ones in the hall. Every bedroom door is closed and probably locked by the maids. The light peaks through the bottom of Emmy's door. I stop in front of her door, not wanting to go in just yet. Deciding what to say and how to word everything has been giving me anxiety all day. Davina explained things to her the best she could but I know my little girl, she's going to ask me questions. 
       I could be dead honest and take the risk of my five year old hating my guts for ruining the first chance she's ever had at a genuine mother or give another cookie-cutter explanation. Davina is too kind, she thinks with her heart; any other women would have never come back for a holiday simply because they made a promise to a little girl and would expose me to her and everyone else to this highly of me.
     I took her for granted and now that she's gone I'm realizing what I had. The thought of wasting our relationship for meaningless hookups now makes me feel nauseous. What we had some just as beautiful as it was messy. From the very beginning there were problems and she stayed, she always did and I thought it would stay as such. Now here am wishing I was just laying in bed with her with Emmy laying between us.
     I twist the knob and push the door in to enter. She looks up at me from coloring in her bed, a purple marker in her hand. She doesn't smile like she usually would. I close the door behind me, waiting to hear the click until walking to the bed. She sits up while I sit down on the floor next to her.
    "How are you doing?" I ask. She shrugs her shoulders, pouting down at her lap. "Can you please answer me?"
     "I'm sad," she admits with a sigh. Her voice is small, barely loud enough for me to hear. Anyone would think she was whispering if they didn't know her, but this is just her voice when she's sad. It's the most heartbreaking sound in the world. "I miss her."
    "I know, so do I."
    "So why is it good to you guys?" She asks fiddling with the bottom of her skirt. I'm surprised she's not in her pajamas yet. This is the part I've been dreading. Go for it, but sugar coat.
    "I...I did a really stupid thing that hurt her really bad, so it's going to take a long time for her to forgive me," I tell her. Her thin brows pull together. "When you're in a relationship, you're never supposed to touch another person at all-"
   "You held hands with another girl?!" I can't help but smile at her innocence. I nod, letting that be her version of cheating. I wish that was all I did, it would have been a two-day argument and makeup. "Was it when that girl touched your arm?" I sigh, thinking back to that awkward conversation I had to have with her. Fuck, this situation has even started problems with my daughter and me.
     "That was part of it," I tell her. "The thing is that I don't want you being mad at her if she doesn't come back, I'm hoping she does. She loves you so much, more than me."
    "I know she does." I'm thankful and shocked that she isn't mad at me. Inside she probably is, but she's not taking it out on me. "Do you still love her?"
   "Yes, so very much. I was just very stupid and wish I never...held another girls hand. But you have to remember that that's not how it is all the time. Some guys and girls do much worse and shouldn't be forgiven. I'm not saying what I did was okay, but I realize it was wrong." Damnit, now I'm using this as a therapy session.
     "You should give her a Ringpop."

     AN: Ringpop's always do the trick 😌 okay so, I'm very curious to know what you think is going too far with certain topics. Obviously this story has a criminal theme, but I want to make it darker because of how I want to progress my writing. In this particular genre, what do you consider being too dark or far? I really hope you guys enjoyed!

 In this particular genre, what do you consider being too dark or far? I really hope you guys enjoyed!

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