chapter 1

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At the end of each chapter I have an emoji beside vote,it tells the way how I feel about the story.


Before the boys turned two I found out that I was pregnant. I wasn't really happy in fact I was crying because I wanted to wait until the boys were at least 6 or 7. The boys gave us a lot of trouble ever since they learned how to walk. Now they are climbing, hitting, biting and throwing stuff. I was a mess that day. Nick tried to calm me down but I got angry at him especially since he's been traveling more often and I'm stuck with the terrible two.


I quickly ran into the bathroom when I felt the urge to vomit. I vomited into the toilet then took a deep breath praying that I'm not pregnant. I brushed my teeth, washed my face then left the bathroom. I placed my hand on my flat stomach then sighed. "Nick" I called and he groaned then turned on his side "babe please wake up" I whispered and his eyes fluttered open.

"What's wrong," he asked then wrapped his arm around my waist. I looked down at him and tears filled my eyes.

"I'm vomiting again" I whispered and he sat up and cupped my cheeks. "I think I'm pregnant" I paused then began to play with my fingers.

"Are you sure?" He asked, I looked up at him through teary eyes and nodded.

"I not sure but I have a feeling. Plus I've been experiencing the signs of being pregnant. I think you should go to the store and get me a pregnancy test" I said and he nodded then stood up. I watched him as he walked into the closet then came out a few seconds later.

"I'll be back ok" he whispered then pecked my forehead. When he left I broke down into tears. I know I'm pregnant and I didn't need a pregnancy test to prove that. I placed my hand on my belly then took a deep breath. "I'm sorry that mommy is crying, I know I should be happy and I am but mommy wasn't ready for you to come yet" I whispered then wiped away my tears. My head started to hurt so I laid back in bed. "For me, you were unexpected but not for daddy because he wanted us to have another baby when the boys turned 2" I mumbled.

I placed my hand on my forehead then squeezed my eyes shut, my head was killing me. I tucked a loose strand of my hair behind my ear then turned on my side. I heard the door opened and closed. I knew it was Nikolai so I sat up then looked up at him.

"Here," he said while handing me the box. I took it from him and walked into the bathroom. I took the stick out of the box then sat on the toilet and peed on the stick. Placed it down then stood up and washed my hand. "Serena, are you finish?" He asked and I told him yes. He opened the door then walked over to me. I looked at it then placed it back down "Your pregnant" he whispered and I hugged him.

"I know" I sniffed and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

End of flashback

The next day we told the boys that I was pregnant and they weren't happy about it. Nikolai tried telling them that having a baby brother or sister will be fun but they got really jealous.

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