chapter 23

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7 months

Its been 7 months and Serena still hasn't woken up yet. The kids and I spoke to her everyday. They ask me every single day when is mommy going to wake up. It breaks my heart, the baby is fine and will soon be on its way. I want Serena to wake up before the baby is born. I tried to find out who pushed her down the stairs but it's not working. Everytime it's a dead end I can't take it anymore. I feel so stress and I haven't slept in days. I go out everyday to clear my mind while Rose watches the kids.

I got up and looked around the office, papers all over the floor. I'm exhausted. I walked over to the mirror and looked at myself. My hair all over the place, eyes red and puffy. My clothes untidy, I shook my head then took up a bottle of whiskey. I'm a broken man. The door opened and I looked who it was. Adriana wakes up in with a disgusted look on her face.

"Nikolai what's wrong with you?" She asked as she stepped over the garbage.

"What's wrong with me Adriana, I'm perfectly fine" I whispered then sat down.

"No you're not fine, look at yourself!" She shouted.

"In fact I just did I look fine" I said then took another gulp of my drink.

"You don't, you're always neat in your suit, your hair is always combed, you look like shit that's what I'm trying to say" she grabbed the bottle from me then placed it down.

"I'm nothing without Serena, Adriana she might never wake up. It's been seven fucking months, I have another baby on the way and their is No way I can take care of them on my own!" I shouted and she rolled her eyes.

"That's not true you're a great father, you have us well help you take care of the kids. Are you going to let you're kids see you like this, I'm sure Serena wouldn't want this" she said and I sighed.

"You're right Sis, I should do better than this I'm going to freshen up" I whispered and she left. I walked out of the office and walked down the hall to my room. Rose was standing in the hall. I walked over to her and grabbed her hand. She looked up at me with a confused look on her face.

"What are you doing?" She asked while pulling her hand from mine. I just stared into her eyes.

"You did it didn't you, you pushed her down the stairs" I shouted and she looked frightened. I grabbed her and she started crying.

"Your hurting me Nikolai, I didn't push her down the stairs please don't hurt me" she cried and I let her go then back away.

"I shouldn't have done that" I said then stepped back and looked down at the floor.

"It's okay Nikolai your hurting I wish Serena was here too" she whispered then took steps towards me. Rose placed her hands on my cheek then leaned forward. I stared into her eyes then raised my hand to push her back.

"What are you doing?" I asked and she stepped back.

"Umm...... I'm sorry I should go check on Roman" she whispered then walked pass me. I went into my room then removed all my clothing. I walked into the bathroom and step into the tub. I was tried of trying to find something. Maybe I should stop trying. I turned the shower on and let the water run down my forehead.

"I hate this so much" I whispered then closed my eyes. Few minutes later I came out of the tub and got dressed. I left the the room and walked down the hall to the kids playroom. I stood at the door and Lorenzo looked up at me.

"Daddy where were you?" He started crying then ran over to me "dada" Aurora's said with her arms wide opened.

"I'm sorry son I wasn't there for you, daddy's sorry" I whispered then stoop down to their level and give them hugs. I looked over at Logan and he was just staring down while playing with his toys.

"Logan I'm sorry" I whispered and he nodded but didn't move.

"Come here logan" I whispered but he still didn't move. I walked over to him and my eyes widen when I saw a mark on his face.

"Lolo got a boo boo daddy" Lorenzo said and I sighed.

"How did you get that mark on your face Logan, did you get into a fight?" I asked and he looked up at me.

"I ran into a door" he said and and my jaw clenched and unclenched.

"You ran into a door, don't lie to me Logan did Roman hit you?" I asked and he nodded.

"Roman is a very bad boy and he needs to be punished where is he?" I asked and Logan shrugged.

"Rwose" Aurora said and and Lorenzo pulled her arm and she placed her finger on her lips.

"Rose what about her?" I asked and they said nothing. I left the room and walked into Rose room. "Where is Roman" I asked and Roman eyes widen.

"I didn't do anything" he said then hid under the bed.

"Come out Roman I'm not going to hurt you" I whispered and he came out then walked over to me.

"Did you hit Logan" I asked and he nodded.

"We did fight but I didn't hit him in the face" he told me and I didn't know whether to believe him or not. I sighed then stared into his eyes.

"What's your father's name" I asked but he didn't want to answer he look down at the floor. "Tell me Roman I just want to be friends with him" I said and he gave me a small smile.

"He's dead he died before I was born" he said then sighed "his name is au-" he was about to say when Rose walked in.

"What going on" she asked and I stood up and she walked over to Roman.

"Nothing I was just asking him what happened to Logan's eye" I said then left the room. What was he about to say, I have to question him again when I get the chance.




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