Terror on Cupcake Street

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A/N: I'm editing all my stories and will release a chapter in the third book and a sequel to my Euphoria book since the second season is out now so if you check back at my stories and see pieces of it is gone.. they were cringey and from years ago. Stay tuned.

 Stay tuned

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"I don't wanna argue with you I just wanna be happy!-"

"-What you say?!-"

"-What?! I can't hear ya!-"

"-I can't!..." Andre says before we start touching each other, trying to find each other.

This is my first day being back since for about a month and 2 weeks I was doing Fashion Tour along with the twins.

"Ok! Ok! Take 'em off!.. See! Not so easy to perform a scene with a bucket over your head is it?" Sikowitz asks and we look at him.

"Why would we?-"

"-It's difficult," Andre says while nodding.

"Yes. Well class dismissed," Sikowitz tells us and we walk to our seats.

"But we still have more time," Jade tells him and he looks up.

"We do? How much?-"

"-Fifty-five minutes," Robbie tells him while looking at his phone.

"Oh..-Oh! I actually do have something to discuss with some of you. Cola! Tori! Cat! Andre! Robbie! Jade! Please stay, the rest of you: may wander the halls-"

"-What?! That's so not fair!" I say while crossing my arms.

"Why isn't it fair Cola?" Sikowitz asks and I look at him.

"Well they get to walk out and do whatever they want for like the next hour and we have to sit here and listen bum ass teacher.. No offense," I tell Sikowitz before taking out a magazine.

"You know Cola, saying no offense after you offend someone does not make you any less of gank then the next person-"

"-whatever," I say while rolling my eyes and flipping through the pages.

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