chapter two meeting his hero.

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ey everybody I hope you guys liked the first chapter. I just finished this chapter so im gonna go to bed and try not to stay up all night writing again lol. Okay so rate and review and as always the disclaimer.
I don't own my hero academia Rosario vampire or any characters here within.

7 years later

Izuku midoriya flapped his wings as he spun through the air. His spiky green hair flowing in the wind. He was glad he put it into a ponytail. He had his backpack in his tail as he flew from school to a small suburban neighborhood with large houses and yards. He landed on the ground and stretched out glad to be away from Katsuki who seemed to be in a bad mood today. He had sneezed yesterday and accidentally let out some of his pheromones which caused most of his class to act the opposite of how they normally acted. As he stretched he looked at his reflection in the glass of the door. He'd grown up quick reaching 5'10 by twelve. He trained at several gyms and even had former pro heroes and famous martial artists ask to teach him. His body was lean like a swimmers body and he never liked to flaunt his muscles. He usually wore layered clothing to smother his pheromones but his school clothes were thin during this time of year. He smiled an open smile and a little glint showed his tongue stud and lip ring. He moved his hair behind his ears showing multiple piercings including a blue fang in his left ear. His horns had grown to six inches and jutted out from his head like blades of jet and Emerald. He  took off his school shirt revealing a purple tank top and showing off the tattoos he'd made appear on his body. On his left bicep he had all might's logo the A with his hair points in black ink. Under that was a circular logo that had a outer red circle an inner white circle then a blue circle in the middle with a white star. A black spider was next to it with a square headed hammer and a black silhouette of a bat. A green circle with a green bar rested over and under it. All Might's sense of justice, cap's honor, spidey's flexibility and danger sense, thor's strength, batman's intellect, and green lantern's willpower. That's what he chose to represent. Although most of these heroes were from before the age of quirks and made into comic books. He had one tattoo on his left arm. A silhouette of a demon girl adorned his left bicep. On his left wrist was a triangle with three up facing triangles and a black down facing triangle. Only one of the three sides was colored a bright gold with the letter C on it. The other two each had a letter. The right side had a P and the top triangle had a W. The door opened and a blue haired woman answered. "Hello Zuku you're early catching those tailwinds or did you want to see her before she left for her new school?" The woman was Ageha Kurono, former pro hero Lilith and Izuku's quirk teacher. "I'm happy to see kurumuru off but I still need help manifesting my spirit weapon. I still can't do it. You said it was easy for you because you were always a sensual free spirit and kuru-chan is just like you. I'm not like that, you and kurumuru are the only girls I've  ever kissed." He said blushing a lot as he spoke. Sexually appealing he may look but he was still a nervous wreck around most girls. Ageha and her daughter were the exceptions due to how they acted around him. Ageha just patted his head as they walked inside towards the yard. In the kitchen baking cookies was Kurmuru Kurono Ageha's daughter. She had just finished putting a batch of cookies into a bag with Izukus name in a heart. Once she saw him she squealed and jumped over to him knowing he'd catch her. "Hubby!" She shouted as the green haired demon caught her in one arm as she rubbed herself against him. "Zuzu im gonna miss you! I wish you could come to yokai academy with me." Izuku blushed as he felt her enormous braless breasts rub against his chest. "I'll mmmiss you too kuru. But I'm going to be a hero so I'm sorry I can't go with you." He said as she pouted a bit before kissing his forehead. "Just remember to talk to me before deciding your hero name. I've got soooo many ideas." She then went back to baking as Izuku and Ageha headed out to the garden where they both sat crosslegged. "Focus on your reasons for being a hero and you'll find her. She's there inside you waiting for you. That's really all I can tell you." Ageha explained as a pink aura enveloped Izuku. He focused but the aura disappeared. "I'm sorry Ageha sensei I can't focus too well. Something kaachan said to me today is bothering me..." Ageha looked at him concerned. From what Inko told him and how Izuku explained the explosive girl she had a crush on the Emerald haired teen. She always hurt Izuku before he started to use his quirk on her which got her to stop physically bullying him. "She said I can't be a hero with my quirk....." He started to break out in tears. "She said I could only become a prostitute. Then she said I should pray to be born with a better quirk in my next life and to jump off the school roof." He finished tears streaming down his face. Ageha looked at the boy she'd come to see as her own child and hugged him. The bluenette patted his back soothingly and said. "You'll be a great hero Zuku. I know you will. Don't let her get to you. She's just being tsundere." She giggled at the last part. Izuku nodded and stood as his phone chirped. He glanced at it and his eyes widened. He grabbed his things and said, "I gotta go all might was reported to be down in Tattooine plaza. I wanna see him in person." He hugged Ageha who kissed his head as kurumuru tossed him three bags of cookies to help keep his energy she said. His wings burst out black wing bones with Emerald membrane shone in the sun. He launched into the air and took off towards the city. He stopped at a bridge between his school and home taking a breath. He couldn't use his wings like that in a short burst before they hurt. He started walking through the tunnel of the bridge to get to the shopping plaza nearby. He heard a noise and turned to see a sludge monster coming out of the sewer. Izuku put up an illusion of a weaker version of himself and saw the villain fall for it. The villain spouted how he'd use Izuku as a meat puppet. Izuku growled and said. "Not likely. X Slash!!" His hands crossed over his chest his fingernails elongated into blades as he cut the monster to pieces. He turned as he heard a commotion from the manhole again and held his clawed hands out dropping his illusion. "Do not worry for I am here!" Izuku's eyes popped as there in a tight white shirt was his hero all might! All might saw the villain already destroyed and a teenager with claws aimed at him out. All might held his hands up to show he meant no harm. "It's okay. Good job helping me with this villian. Sorry I couldn't get here faster, the sewer systems here are labyrinthine." All might said as Izuku made his hands return to normal, folding his wings behind his back he scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "Sorry, my sensei taught me to never drop my guard even if it seems the enemy has been defeated." Izuku said with a blush remembering what happened when he lost spars with Ageha-sensei. He was better when it came to talking to people except he still had a slight stutter around some women. All might grinned and said. "Your sensei is smart. Never let your guard down in battle!" 'I learned that the hard way.' The blond hero thought as he rubbed his left side. He then lifted his shopping bag and tossed a soda bottle to Izuku. "Help me drink these? I need something to hold him anyways." He said before blood slowly leaked from his lips.  He wiped it away as Izuku looked down at the drink. The greenette smiled and nodded twisting the top off and gulping down the cola quickly. After the scooped the sludge monster into the bottles Izuku went to hand his bottle to the symbol of piece when all might coughed blood and smoke enveloped him. When the smoke cleared gone was the buff number one hero. In his place was a skinny skeletal blond man with gaunt eyes wearing the outfit all might was wearing seconds before. Toshinori Yagi wiped the blood from his lip and saw Izuku pull his left hand back long claws extending from his nails. "Wait I can explain! I am all might...." All might then told Izuku what happened to him four years ago and how he can only hold the four hours a day. "Four years ago..... The only villian I can think of would be toxic chainsaw, but that wound doesn't fit his fighting style." Izuku stated his eyes glazing a bit as he began analyzing the facts he was given. All might looked at the young man with wide eyes. 'Just from the small amount of information  i gave him combined with his own knowledge he was able to figure out the last public fight I had doesn't match up with my wound. He's got a very analytical mind. Smart kid' all might thought to himself. Izuku stopped his muttering and said. "So you can't hold your hero form any more today? Do you want a lift to the police station?" He let his wings reform again and he stretched them out to their full span. All might nodded and said. "If you can hold me then I'd appreciate it." Izuku nodded and walked behind the imaciated looking hero and hooked his arms through toshinori's armpits his tail wrapping around the blonde man's waist. "I've only ever flown my mother before so I apologize if the rides a bit bumpy." He shot off surprised at how light he was. They reached half way to the police station when all might spammed coughing up blood. Izuku grunted and fell a bit. Neither noticed the bottles of slime fall from all might's pocket. Izuku landed on a rooftop and huffed. "Sorry are you okay? I don't know if I can fly you anymore." He said and all might nodded. "Yeah...oh no" he said as he reached his pocket as he was about to say he'd walk the slime to the police station. "I'm gonna go see if I can find the bottles." Izuku nodded and said softly. "I wanted to ask. You something before you go.. My quirk isn't really heroic could I still be a hero even with a quirk like mine?" All might looked over at the boy and said. "I I don't know. Maybe not in the way you want. Your quirk is suited to a villian. You would get a lot of scrutiny from the people about how you look. Try to be a police officer. You can still help people." All might then walked off and Izuku fell to his knees terms streaming down his face. He sat down pulling the bag of cookies kurumuru made for hi and started eating them to regain his energy. He sighed  as he finished the bag and unfurled his wings again. He heard a noise and saw an explosion from Tattooine station. He furrowed his brow and took off full force to find the slime villain again. 

Izuku landed in an alley  nearby hiding his wings and wrapping his tail around his waist. He muscled through the crowd and and saw heroes stand back as the slime monster reeked destruction. Kamui woods was using his branches to create a barrier to keep the crowd form getting hurt. "There isn't much else I can do with the fires around." Another hero backdraft the fire fighter hero was putting out the fire as best they could. "These flames are getting bigger hopefully backup gets here soon." Death arms stood next to kamui woods gritting his teeth not able to get close the the slime villain. "Damn it I can't get to that poor kid." Death arms grunted as Izuku saw that the slime villain had captured a blonde girl and was using her quirk to cause havoc. His eyes widened as he saw it was Katsuki Bakugo. Without thinking he shot forward his wings appearing as he launched himself over kamui's barrier his fingers turning into claws as his eyes turned purple, "Demonic illusion: False memories." He muttered as son as the slime turned a woman stood in front of him pleading at him to be a good boy and how he was hurting his poor mother. The slime falter for second and that's all Izuku needed. He ripped through the slime grabbing Katsuki from the slime. He rushed back to the heroes just as he heard." Detroit smash!!" He turned holding Katsuki as all might was standing where the slime was in his full powered form rain pouring from the power of his attack. Once emergency services came the villain was contained and Katsuki was checked by mets then praised by the heroes for her quirk and bravery. Kamui woods and death arms told Izuku how reckless he was. Mt. Lady though praised his skills and said to him. "With your skills you'd make a great hero Midoriya-kun. I'm rooting for you. Do your best. Hopefully you can intern for me when the time comes." She winked at him before leaving to help the police. Izuku looked and saw all might being swarmed by reporters. So Izuku decided to eat some more cookies and go home. He was half way home when he heard someone behind him. Katsuki was standing there red faced holding her skirt down in the breeze. "I didn't need your help perverted deku. Don't think just because you saved me doesn't mean I'm gonna thank you or that I even like you. Touch me again and I'll blow you to hell." She said angrily before walking home.  Izuku sighed at the girl he used to have a crush on years ago. He turned and jumped back seeing all might standing there. "YOUNG MIDORIYA! Cough hack" all might coughed up blood and reverted to his skinny self. "I saw you move. In your mind you weren't even thinking we're you? Your legs moved on their own didn't they? Most heroes say the moment they'd realized they wanted to be heroes they said their legs moved on their own. I'm so sorry about what I said. You do have what it takes to be a hero midoriya. I want to bestow upon you my quirk." Izuku looked at him confused. All might offered to explain as he walked Izuku home. All might told Izuku everything. About his teacher nana shimura and all for one and how one for all was a stockpile quirk that increased with every user. "We have almost a year before the UA entrance exam. We're gonna train with your quirk and work your body so you can handle the power of one for all. You're almost there but we still have more to do. meet me at Dagobah municipal park tomorrow after school to start your training." All might left Izuku to walk home by himself. He went home and his mother who was making dinner smiled as he came in and gave him a hug and kiss. After Izuku began his training with Ageha and his quirk fully manifested Inko had started working out herself to support her son and keep herself occupied from what the pheromones Izuku had been leaking out obliviously were doing to her. Inko midoriya used to be slightly chubby and only 5'3. Now she was 5'5 with the body mostly seen on pro heroes and super models. after they ate dinner Izuku did his homework before he went to bed wondering what tomorrow will bring. 

Okay chapter finished. So I have a few ideas for the pairings and whether or not I should make other male characters female. Let me know what you guys think. See you later space cowboys.

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