muscle training and a friendly spar.

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Chapter 3 

Izuku grunted as he moved the trash across the beach all might sitting on the cab of a rusty truck cheering him on. He sighed the old rusted fridge was a pain in the ass. He then had an idea and morphed his arm into a chainsaw and smiled at it "Groovy" he whispered to himself as he sliced through it like a knife through butter. He then changed his arms back and slowly and carefully brought the pieces over to the dumpster. It had been a month since Izuku had started doing all might's training regiment or as he called it, 'all might's all American training schedule.' Izuku had a six pack before from his training sessions with Ageha and kurumuru, but he was slowly developing a twelve pack. He didn't have the muscles all might had in his muscle form or the old heroes from before quirks like batman or captain America. He was built more like Spider-Man or Nightwing. Izuku also did extra training after he was done with his beach or with all might for the day. Air training with Ageha where she threw things at him or tried slashing his clothes off as she tailed him during flight. He'd also been doing parkour training at night on the way home. He stopped next to all might who handed him a bottle of water. Izuku wiped the sweat off his forehead and took the bottle taking a drink. He took off his sweat soaked shirt and threw it into the bed of his truck with his bag. He heard swooning so he turned and saw a group of girls around his age leaning on the railing to the beach staring at him. He blushed and turned away and said. "Ugh isn't there some way to get rid of the fan girls all might sensei?" The older hero just shook his head and said. "Take it with a grain of salt young Midoriya. Now finish one a few more pieces like you did before and we'll be done here and get into more serious work outs. How about later I chuck some of this stuff at you while you evade?" Izuku smiled and nodded. A little later all might in his muscle form is seen throwing washers and other metal objects at Izuku as he slash at them changing his hands into different weapons as he did so. "COME YOUNG MIDORIYA! IF YOU CAN DODGE A TUB YOU CAN DODGE A BALL!!!!" The blonde hero said as he threw a bath tub at the greenette. Izuku gasped and swirled around it turning the tip of his tail into a wrecking ball smashing the tub into tiny pieces. He landed and said "it's getting dark sensi we should get ready to go home" all might nodded and they walked to the crossroads to where their homes were. As he was heading home headphones in his ears he bumped into someone. He looked up and smiled as he recognized the person. "Oh Jiro-chan! Good evening. I haven't seen you in a while. How are you?" He said with a smile and a bit of blush. The purple haired teen smiled happy to see the greenette. Her earJacks tangled up as she blushed at Izuku's body. 'Holy shit when did Zuku get so sexy!?!? Wait he's talking say something damn it.' She thought before dying. "O-oh Zuku-kun I'm fine. I thought I've told you to call me Kyouka? I was just on my way home from training. I've been good. Lady Lilith must be working you hard. Last time I saw you I as taller than you." She said teasing him a bit as she untangled her earJacks. "Um yeah I've been training for the entrance exams for UA. Between training with her and my solo training I've barely had time to call or text you. Im sorry." He said as she leaned forward and gave him a hug. Ever since they'd met when they were six years old they'd become good friends. Kyouka was probably Izuku's only other real friend his age aside from kurumuru. Oh and the girl he met at the park when he was testing his ability to change his lower half into an aquatic animal at the lake. Apparently it was easier for him to make friends with girls than boys. Kyouka smiled and said. "You're still the dorky Zuku I lo-know. I'll see you later dork hopefully we'll be in the same class after we pass the exams!" She said turning and heading home.  Izuku smiled and waved at her before heading there himself. As he went home he saw Bakugou fuming trying to blow up the playground equipment near their apartment complex. He slowly and quietly tried to slink by her but stepped on a twig. She turned and stalked towards him like an angry looking lioness. Explosions shot off the her arms as she got closer and his wings popped out and he took off but was stopped when she grabbed his tail. Izuku whimpered as she yanked him down and threw him into a tree. "OW kaachan  wa why'd ya you da do tha that?" He stuttered holding his tail and rubbing it where she grabbed him. She scowled and said. More like shouted at him. "What the fuck was that slutty ear girl doing coming out of your house? And where the fuck were you deku!!!??? You ditch me after school for three months then you get all sexy and jacked and ive gotta keep the sluts at school from trying to rape you." Izuku then stood up backing away as she got in his face. Katsuki Bakugou was always like this with him, it confused the greenette to no end the way she acted around him. He sighed and said. "My mother said she told you the first time you barged in looking for me, I've told you before too. I've been training for the UA entrance exams just like you have. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going." She growled as he took off punching the air where he was before making a large explosion where he was standing. She new he could heal quickly. That's why she liked testing her new moves on him. "I'm gonna be the only one to make it into that school. Not a pervert like you deku!!!" She screamed at him her face red. She didn't want to yell at him but for some reason he did something that always pissed her off. He hovered in the air and shrugged. "I'm ssssorry kaachan but I'm ga gonna be a hero too. Goodnight." He said as he flew home. Katsuki turned around punching a tree knocking it over as her fist exploded against it. "Fucking dense ass fucking pervert. Why the hell cant he tell?!" She growled in frustration kicking the ground before heading in the same direction Izuku went to go home. 

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