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As Steve, Nat, Wanda, Sam, and I are on the run, I occasionally sneak off to New York City to check on everyone we left behind. I may have left on bad terms with my brother, but I still try to see him. Not necessarily coming into contact with him, but looking at for him in any way that I can.

But this time, when I get to New York, something seems off. F.R.I.D.A.Y. notifies me of something.

"Two Asguardians are here." She says to me.

"Thor?" I question, hoping to see my old teammate again.

"Yes, but Loki is here as well."

"What the hell?" I say as my AI starts a route to where they are.

When I fly there, I see Thor and Loki standing outside of a torn down retirement home.

"I swear, I left him right here." Loki says. I land down next to him, startling both him and Thor.

"You've got a lot of nerve, showing up here after what you did." I grit my teeth and grab ahold of his collar.

"Lady Stark, he's not here to hurt anyone. We are only looking for our father." Thor tells me. I look to him and release Loki from my grasp.

"Your father? The King Of Asguard?" I ask, raising my brow. "Why would he be here?"

"That's kind of a long story." Loki begins to say, I start to glare at him. Then Thor speaks up again.

"So did you leave him right here on the sidewalk or right there, where the building is being demolished? Great planning."

"How was I supposed to know? Can't see into the future, I'm not a witch." Loki tries to defend himself.

"Then why do you dress like one?" I ask, noticing his all black suit.

"Hey..." He starts to fire back at me, but Thor interrupts.

"I can't believe you're alive. I saw you die. I mourned for you, I cried for you."

"You died?" I ask, staring at Loki. "Why couldn't you have stayed dead?"

He just glares at me and turns back to Thor. "I'm honored."

At that moment, a college girl comes up to Thor. "Ask him?" She whispers to her friend.

"Hi would you mind taking a picture with us?" The other asks.

"Sure." Thor gets ready to smile for the selfie, then turns to Loki. "Start figuring out where he is."

The girls get their photo and look to Thor. "Sorry to hear that Jane dumped you." Then they both walk away.

"Jane dumped you?" I ask him.

"She didn't dump me. I dumped her." Thor says to Loki and I. "It was a mutual dumping."

Thor and I notice something going on around Loki. There is a sparkling orange circle forming at his feet.

"What is this? What are you doing?" I ask him angrily.

"This.... isn't me." Then all of a sudden, he drops through and vanished. Thor and I look to each other with wide eyes. Then we see another bright light on the ground and a small card appears.

On it is an address. 177A Bleecker Street. I go down to pick it up, and as soon as I touch it, Thor and I are transported to the address. We look up and see a building in front of us. We hesitantly walk up to the door, Thor knocks a few times and then we are transported inside the building.

Thor: Ragnorak (Charlotte Stark)Where stories live. Discover now