Short Story Collection.

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Hey! I'm sorry about the repost, but I'm grumpy at wattpad. I usually can only access it from my ipod anyway, so i was very happy when they released the create option. Although, there are no safeguards on deleting, so my siblings unfortunately wondered what would happen if they continually pressed buttons in the app. Hey presto, all my work was gone. And i don't keep copies saved to my computer. Oh, joy unbound. So i have to post it all again. Sorry for spamming you guys. Anyway:

Hi! This is a collection of short stories i have written or plan on writing. They're mostly all going to be one-shots, but if I enjoy writing one enough, or i get a good response to one, i may expand it to a stand-alone novel, rarely (but possibly) a series. I may post things like poems or songs i have written, but probably not. I warn you now, there may be some fanifction in here too. So please, vote, comment and send me some feedback! For all the grammar nazis out there, i would actually really appreciate it if you find a mistake for you to point it out! Im waffling now (heheh, waffles) so I'll finish up by saying thanks for taking the time to read my stories and stuff, and thanks for suffering through my entire ramble. Until next story! ^_^

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