Chapter Six - Attitude Checking

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"You better not be working!" I called to Sebastian from across the massive pool. I was lying down on a poolside lounge chair dressed in a black two piece bikini and sheer cover up. We were currently enjoying the sunshine and beautiful weather considering the night before it had stormed really bad.

Our Kenyan resort has been too good to us. I'd gone to the spa twice in the past two days and I was already pinned in for another appointment after dinner tonight.

"I just have to check a couple emails, babe. I swear I won't answer any." He called back to me.

I lifted my head from my towel I had rolled up as a pillow and removed my oversized sunglasses.

"Checking emails is still work. If I can't work, you can't either." I pursed my lips at him.

He gave me a devilish grin before turning his attention back to his laptop. He was seated at one of the three umbrella-covered tables, dressed in white swim trunks and a halfway buttoned blue, chambray shirt. He looked so effortlessly handsome, it was hard to still wrap my head around the fact that he was my husband. How did I get so lucky?

"Why are you all the way over there anyway?" I called back.

"I don't have service over there. This is the only spot I can get stuff done." I answered with a sheepish grin.

"Well, hurry up. I miss you." I sighed as I shrugged off my sheer, black cover up and walked over to the steps of the pool. I got in slowly, my blood spiking at the cold water as I descending into it.

"I love you." He called back to me as he continued to tap the keys of his laptop.

I rolled my eyes at him, before standing up, removing my cover up; diving into the deep, nine foot pool. Feeling the sharp, cold rush of the water against my skin in this African heat was just what I needed. I swan back up to the surface and breathed in deeply at the dry air. I ran my fingers through my hair, brushing it out of my face as I looked up at the sky. The clear, blue sky with wide stretched clouds was so refreshing. Certainly better than the daily storm clouds of the Olympic Peninsula.

I continued to flounder around the pool as Sebastian checked his emails. After the next hour, we went back to our suite to change for dinner. Sebastian changed into a pale blue polo, white golf shorts and brown leather brogues. I wore a canary yellow slip dress and brown sandal. I styled my wet hair into a topknot before we headed out. We met Domino and Stark out in the hall before we made it out to the lobby. As we stepped out of the building, I gasped at the expensive and extravagant vehicle waiting for us by the valet stand.

"It's a Maserati GranTursimo. Nice, right?" Sebastian shot me a crooked smirk before we walked towards the cardinal red sports car.

"It's a Maserati, Sebastian. It's spectacular." I chuckled as he opened the door to the passengers side for me. I got in and he rounded the hood of the car to the driver's side and got in.

"Where exactly are we going for dinner tonight?" I rose a curious brow at my husband.

"There's a little village here that has a strip of restaurants and nightclubs. I think you'll like it." He informed as he brought the foreign car to life. The engine even sounded expensive, if that were even possible.

"Where are Domino and Stark?" I asked.

"They're behind us. We'll be okay, don't worry. I'll protect you, baby." He reassured playfully, before putting the car into drive and hurling us foreword onto the road ahead. My stomach lurched at the speed we were going and the canopy of trees around us blurred into a curtain of green around us.

"We're going awfully fast." I said, shifting my eyes from the window to him and then the speedometer. My eyes grew wide at the speed and I swat his arm. "Sebastian, you're going one hundred and twelve! Slow down!"

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