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2 weeks later

"Wake up baby, you going home." I heard Kentrell say so I opened my eyes slowly.

I looked around the room and didn't see my mom."where's mommy?" I asked him rubbing my eyes.

"You don't have to worry about her for now."

"Oh my god, did you kill mommy daddy?" I asked.

"No I paid her off so now you can live with me." Kentrell explained to me and I looked at him. Is he for Real?

I slowly got out my bed so I wouldn't catch a headache. I wondered how he "paid my mom off" because when it came to money we were pretty good. I ignored it though because now I get to live with Kentrell.

After we left the hospital we went back to my house so we could get all of my things even though Kentrell said that he's buying me all new things.

"What's wrong?" Kentrell asked as he knocked on the door.

"How did you really get my mom to let me stay with you?" I asked him.

He took a deep breath but before he could answer my mom opens the door looking hot and sweaty.

"I thought you was taking him." My mother said to Kentrell.

"I am but he wants his things." Kentrell informed her. So I walked past them and walked to my room, grabbed my suit cases and began throwing things in there that I thought I needed.

I shut my room door behind me with all my 5 suit cases in hand. As I was walking down the stairs I seen a random man in the kitchen eating. I was going to tell my mom until I seen her walk into the kitchen and kiss him.

Kentrell's POV (Finally😂😍.)

"Come on Nick!" I shouted up to him through the door way seeing that he was looking off in space.

His attention snapped back to me and he walked downstairs with all his things. I took the suitcases out his hands and we both made our way to OUR house. I brought his suit cases upstairs and I could already tell that he was tired because of the ways his eyes were dripping down.

"You tired baby?" I asked him.

"Yes daddy." He replied cutely.

"Ight we just gotta shower first." I told him picking him up and walking to my bathroom.

I stood him up and began stripping his clothes off, this time tough he didn't stop me, maybe he was to tired. When I was done I took a moment to look at his body but he got shy.

"Stop daddyyyy." Nick said hiding himself from me.

I looked at him and laughed he's so beautiful. I took my clothes off too and after our shower and and nick laid in the bed naked and cuddled up.


A/N: So short ikkkkk



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Nahmir Simmons
Age: 13

Kentrell Gaulden Age: 21

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Kentrell Gaulden
Age: 21

Kentrell Gaulden Age: 21

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Candy Simmons
Age: 30

Candy Simmons Age: 30

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Mika Smith
Age: 16

Sarah White Age: 14

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Sarah White
Age: 14

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2019 ⏰

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