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I sat up really fast which cause me a major headache I looked around the room that had really bright lights that made my head hurt even worse.

"Where am I?" I asked to nobody in particular.

"In the hospital." The doctor answered. "You've passed out from blunt force trauma to the head. Blunt force trauma is an injury that is caused by an object striking or hitting the body. This type of injury or trauma can occur to any part of the body. So tell me Nick who hit you in the head?" The doctor finished.

"Well...um I got into a fight yesterday with two girls and then mommy—"

"Mommy jumped in to save him." She cute me off with a fake smile.

"Alright I'll be back with some paper work, we want to keep you here for about two weeks because your young and we want to make sure your wound is completely healed. Also you have someone in the waiting room do you want me to let him in?"

"Yes." I told the doctor already knowing who it is.

Not even two minutes later Kentrell walked in the room give my mom the death stare, he waited for the doctor to leave before he started talking.

"What the fuck happened?" He questioned my mom.

"Well he got jumped yesterday and nobody told me." My mother shot back.

"When I dropped him off at home he was fine." Kentrell told her.

"You guys was fucking I knew it."

"No, obviously not. My dick would have killed him." Kentrell told my mom and her eyes widened with shock.

"What happened yesterday?" Kentrell turned to me and asked.

"Mika and Sarah jumped me, then I fought Sarah then mom punched me all over because she said we was 'fucking'. What's a fucking Kentrell? And what's a dick and why would it kill me?"

Kentrell ignored my question and continued talking to my mom." What the fuck is wrong with you?" He asked.

"Nick has a pussy and so do I"

"What dose that have to do with anything."

"Because I know you two are together and Nick is technically not a boy."

"Listen I'm not fuc— you know what I am fucking him and next time you touch him word to everything I'm killing you bitch." Kentrell told my mom which left her in utter shock so she didn't say anything after.

Kentrell turned back to me and started rubbing my head. Which caused me to wince so he stopped. Kentrell left out for about 5 minutes and came back in with a teddy bear balloons and some food.

"Thanks da—Kentrell." I said before my mom could catch it.

He placed the teddy bear next to me and made my bed sit me up. He took the bag of Dunkin' Donuts and places it in my hand. I thanked him again and he also began eating.

"Did you get me anything?" My mom asked.

"Hell no, when does he get out?"

My mom kept quiet so I answered for her."In 2 weeks."


A/N: So short ikkkkk

Nahmir Simmons Age: 13

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Nahmir Simmons
Age: 13

Kentrell Gaulden Age: 21

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Kentrell Gaulden
Age: 21

Kentrell Gaulden Age: 21

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Candy Simmons
Age: 30

Candy Simmons Age: 30

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Mika Smith
Age: 16

Sarah White Age: 14

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Sarah White
Age: 14

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