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"Ya know what?I really want this war to end"Baekhyun said as he hop on the sofa beside Chanyeol who's scrolling through his InstaFeed for about 10 minutes now."Which of us doesn't want that to happen?I really had enough with all of these war ,I'm sick of it"Kai said ,totally agreed with Baekhyun.

Room A-2 ,a room for only EXO's members.Well ,everyone and every groups have their own room.Only for them, incase they need to talk privately between themsleves only.EXO is one of the clan-crime seniors ,they're well known as a group of a proffesional.Very good at almost everything ; hacking ,drugs dealing ,fighting ,clean-crimes ,hiding dead bodies that cause of them

"How's JYP clans?They're good?"Suho ,who's doing something probably important on the computers ,just asked them a question."They are fine hyung ,no worries.They have Straykids and Got7 ,the strongest amongst the others in JYP.Of course they're doing good"Chanyeol replies as he finally turned off his phone and keep it inside his pocket."Good to know that because YG is aiming for JYP ,suddenly"Suho said as he stand from his seat and goes to sit on a an empty space beside Kyungsoo.

"YG is aiming for JYP?Wait ,YG never do that to JYP.Why suddenly?"Xiumin asked as he completely confused.YG never make JYP as their next victims ,not even once.Knowing this make him questioning everything."I don't know and no one know.We need to find out why and also when but the things is..I can't get through their systems ,they're using such complicated codings for us to even get into their systems.YG is so prepared ,one of the reason why I hate them so much"Suho explained as much as he can but none of his words really explains everything they want to know.

"How complicated was it was?We can ask our hackers team ,who knows that one of them can get through YG systems"Kai said as he raises his eyesbrows ,hoping they agree with him to do so.All of them nods their heads slowly and Kyungsoo opened his mouth and said "Good one ,lets go.Better hurry ,I don't want to lose friends again".With that ,all of them get out from their room and is walking towards the Hackers Team main room.


"Yeah yeah whatever Winwin ,all I want is only a cup of coffee.Bring one for Johnny and Yuta too ,incase if you don't want to do the same things repeatedly"Jaehyun said as he giving a little works Winwin ,making a cup of coffee only.Easy beazy yeah?"Mark can do that ,why me?"Winwin whines as he pouted."That is the problem ,I can't find Mark figure anywhere.This time only ,Winwin ,no more"Jaehyun said as he tapped Winwin shoulder lightly.Winwin just nodded his head and is heading outside ,making his way to the cafe inside this building.

A second after Winwin left the room ,EXO walked in with a big smile.Well not all of them ,we know Kyungsoo will be entering the room with the I-Don't-Give-A-Damn looks plastered on his face."Hey there guys ,I'm sorry if we're disturbing you guys but we need some help.Hacking into YG systems..."Suho paused for a second and is looking at Taeyong."They use a very complicated kind of codings for us to even hack into their systems.I can't get into their systems ,I wonder if  any of you guys know how"

All of them looked at Suho ,blinking their eyes non stop.Taeyong let out a sigh and is messaging his temple."We can try but can we know why?" ,"YG is aiming for JYP ,JYP is next"Kyungsoo replied as he sit on the table.

"Huh?Thats weird...YG never do that to JYP ,but well okay then.We'll try hacking into YG systems.Anything else?"Taeyong asked Suho for the last time as he will do the work after."Find as much details as you can ,everything"Taeyong nodded and making his way to his room ,a room only for him doing hia work privately and peacefully.

EXO turned their back away and is leaving the room as they finished what they're doing.They're just asking for helps ,thats all."Any of you guys feelin' hyungry?'Cause I am" ,"Lets go somewhere and what I mean is restaurant.I'm hungry too"



"Can't find anything yet?"Chan asked as he is standing right behind Seungmin ,watchig him trying to find something important from YG that they can use to stop them YG from making a war."Damn it!Hyung I can't get into their systems for more than 5 minutes ,thats the longest I can stay in their systems.I can't find anything yet but there's about someone ,a girl.Looks like YG is aiming for her too before this but they never found the girl ,I think we nees to find that person.Gotta be usefull because..Hyung ,look at this"Seungmin paused as he pull out a bunch of paper that he use to write down the information about the Mystery Girl.

Chan took all of the papers and is looking through it one by one carefully."Go on"Seungmin nodded his head."Her name is Kwon Soonya ,she's a former trainee of YG.Its already been 4 years ago ,she's the best and the most favorite trainee of all time.Everyone parises her because of her great ability to do everything.But ,she is actually trying to do the opposite and what I mean by that is ,she is trying to turn YG upside down a.k.a taking a revenge on them.Her brother used to be in a group under YG but they killed him and that one,Hyung I don't know why because it didn't writen anywhere there"Seungmin paused a moment to proceed his words.

"Then..When YG people found out about this all information about her and the actual reason why she wanted to be under YG ,they wanted to kill her.Because yeah ,of course it is because they want to protect YG from being ruined by this Soonya girl.But ,Soonya already way more further from them as she already planned on leaving Korea 1 day before they found out about it all.None of YG people found that girls and is giving up already ,that's one of the reason why YG is 'debuting' much more rookies under them just to protect themselves.Can also be said that they're upgrading YG systems and everything into a whole another level because they don't want Soonya to get into their systems.Plus ,Hyung.She knows everything about YG ,she must be useful for us"

Chan eyes met Seungmin ,but in a serious way.Then Chan looked at Day6 who's already listening to Seungmin the whole time."What do you guys think?"Chan asked with his sudden low-toned voice.YoungK shrugged "Kinda agree ,she can help us with everything.Could be way more useful than only helping us JYP"YoungK said as he then cocked his head to Seungjin.

"Lets find her then.I want you guys in the main base with our people there ,we'll be searching for her starting for today.Seungmin ,tell our HackersTeam to get ready ,we'll probably need you guys to help us with the CCTV ,public phone and everything ,understand?"Seungjin said as he commanding the rest and Seungmin together.Seungmin nods his head as he understand Seungjin command.

"Alright ,gentleman.Lets go to the main base.Chan and Jae ,tell our people to greet in the main base"

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