chapter one: Marshall Lee

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Chapter: 1

Marshall POV

I'm super pissed off, don't ask why. I don't know myself. Must be because of the fight I had with Ashley, or maybe because my mother was on me again. Or maybe the two.

Why did I come back to the Aaa anyways? I grumble I haven't been here in so long

I float around an area of ruble of what used to be a village I suppose. The place is abandoned and looks haunted, just right for me. I smile and take a swig of the cheap alcohol that I stole. It's late at night and Aaa is bathed with starlight and a big full moon.

I growl loudly when I realize there's no more alcohol so I throw the bottle away, it shatters on the ground and I hear a small loud cry.

"Who's there?" I yell looking around

I hear no reply except a small whimper and the sound of someone shuffling.

Probably a small rat

Snickering I change to a huge bat and follow the sound to its source. This so gonna be funny!

After zeroing on the source of the sound I hide behind where it's hiding inside a mountain of rocks.  On the count of three, I jump and scare the rat. "Boooooooooo !"

"Aaahhhhh!!" it screams back almost humanly

Except it wasn't a rat. I stop suddenly when I realize that, I bend down to get a better view and am shocked when I see a little boy. I shift back to my human self immediately and try to scoot closer to get a better view. But the place the boy is hiding under is very small for me and I can only get so far in.

The boy is covering his ears and crying silently. Suddenly feeling very bad I crouch down and extend my hand but the boy scoots further away as if afraid of me.

"Hey, I'm sorry for scaring you" I say gently

The boy sniffs loudly and looks at me with big teary eyes, feeling a pang in my heart I shift to a small bat and crawl to him.

"It's okay, don't be scared." I say in my squeaky voice patting his hand

The boy stares in amazement and I can't help but smile. "Common let's get out of here." I say pulling at his shirt. Once we're out from under the rubble I switch back to my human self and take a good look at the boy. I don't fail to notice how thin and dirty he looks, as if he hadn't eaten or bathed in days.  Immediately I bend down to his level and ask urgently,

"What happened to you?"

The boy shrugs in response

"Where did you come from?" I try again

The boy looks around then shakes his head, getting annoyed I ask,

"Then what is your name?"

The boy looks me in the eye then down at his dirty bare foot and whispers "I don't know."

I stare with wide eyes; did this boy lose his memory?

I couldn't leave him here by himself, so I carry him back to my house. He needs a bath I don't know why I'm doing this. Is it because this boy reminds me so much of myself? Whatever it was I just couldn't bring myself to ditch him.

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